Chapter 3

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A knock on Draco's door immediately sent Draco into a defensive mode. Draco scrambled from the ground fearfully as he put a hand on the handle nervously. "Draco, it's me," Narcissa. Draco relaxed his tense shoulders and unlocked the door, letting his mother enter his room. "I'm sorry for yesterday, Draco... I really am!" Narcissa pulled Draco into a hug. "You always are..." Draco whispered. Narcissa was a victim of Lucius as well, just that her way of coping with the annoying man was through yelling. Whist Draco was by going on small walk by himself.

Draco had wanted to live in the Muggle World for a long time. Sometimes, he would sneak into Muggle Studies under an invisibility spell to learn more about the Muggle World. It was very convenient as most of Draco's free period had somehow matched with when others had Muggle Studies' classes. It was suspicious but Draco didn't mind as he learnt much. Sometimes, Draco would test them out, like cooking, in the Manor. That was until Lucius has found out when he was in his 5th year, just right before he had gotten his Dark Mark unwillingly.

"Mother," Draco sucked in a breath. "Can... We escape?" Narcissa pushed Draco away, visibly uncomfortable. Narcissa had a thing for Lucius, no matter how abusive he gets. Draco was starting to suspect that she had Stockholm Syndrome. Narcissa placed a hand on her other elbow, clawing at it as fingernail marks appeared. Draco reached out a hand to stop he but Narcissa only backed away. "Mother, you know him, we can't stay here any longer!" Draco shouted softly, quietly as possible. Draco didn't want to see his mother hurt, emotionally and physically, but for a future, they needed out. Now.

Narcissa stole a glance at her son. "I-I can't... Not away from Lucius," Narcissa said under he breath. It was had to deal with her when she was like that, all vulnerable. Draco frowned and blinded empty-ly. In the end, Draco gave up to his mother and ushered her to bed. It was clear she hadn't slept from the heavy black bag outlines under her eyes, disheveled hair and the way she came, haggard. Draco sang his mother to sleep after leading her to his bed, not trusting her to return to he own bedroom. Draco smiled to himself and Narcissa clutched at the hem of Draco shirt. He leaned in, stroking his mother's hair, and gave her a kiss. "Don't worry, just a quick shower, I promise." The rise and fall of Narcissa's chest eventually evened after Draco exited the bathroom. Draco started packing.

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