Chapter Four-Age of Ultron

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Tony sat on the couch, humming an old Norse tune, ice pack on his shoulder.

 When he took the mind stone/scepter from the hydra base, he had slammed himself into a wall to avoid the Avengers.

 He didn't see the twins; he didn't know what happened to them.

 Suddenly, there was a knock on the front door to the mansion.

 "Jarvis? Who's knocking on heaven's gate?" he asked, standing up with a small groan. 

Jarvis hesitated, "I believe 'he's fast and she's weird' are knocking Sir". 

Tony froze, " Where's Bucky?"

"In his room sir, back from his swimming at the beach"

"Okay, tell him he needs to stay where he is, we have visitors"

"Do you plan on letting them inside sir?"

"Ask...ask them why they are here". 

Tony waited, staring down the front door.

 "The woman stated that they need help, it also seems as if both are injured". 

That's all Tony needed, he raced to the door and yanked it open. 

Sure enough, Pietro was bleeding from a side wound and Wanda from her head.

 "Mr-Mr Stark," Pietro started, "we, we need your help", he fell forward, but Tony caught him.

 "I got you, I got you kid".

 He holds Pietro and holds his hand for Wanda to take.

 He leads them to the kitchen and bandages their wounds.

 He worked in silence, once both were cleaned up, he leaned against the counter.

 "How can I help you, Mr and Miss Maximoff?" 

Wanda looks surprised that he knew their names, "Jarvis scanned you before I opened the door, told me your names. The last time the world saw you was before a village bombing in Socovia, but that was years ago".

 Pietro nodded, "We were tricked, by Hydra. They bombed our village to test their weapons-which were Stark Industries". 

Tony waited for them to attack or do something, but it never came. 

"We overheard a business deal between Stane and Strucker, and Strucker mentioned that they have enough weapons to make America Socovia". 

Tony's brain stopped working, he motioned them to follow him down the hall to his lab.

 "J! Pull up all Hydra activity in Socovia, either Strucker didn't want to admit I got them all or I'm missing something". 

He started to shift through the holo data, feeling Wanda and Pietro come up on either side of him.

 "How are you going to help us Mr Stark?" Wanda asked, glancing over the numbers, not understanding what they meant.

 In response, Tony clapped, lighting up the Ironman suits.

 Pietro looked at the suit, then to Tony, the suit, then back at Tony.

 "That is so cool," he whispered. 

"It is indeed" a new voice said softly from the shadows. 

Bucky walked out from the shadows, and both Peitro and Wanda ran over to him, hugging him tightly.

 Tony tilted his head, "I think I missed something" he chuckled. 

Bucky looked at Tony with a gentle smile, "We would run into each other sometimes, and I would try and take care of them". 

"Emphasis on try" Peitro chuckled.

 "Be nice, Yasha was a safer father figure while we were in Hydra". Wanda smiled at Tony.

 Tony felt his heart warm, this was very unexpected, but it looks like he has the beginnings of what he always wanted-a family. 

He walked over to them and hugged Bucky gently, smiling at the twins happily.

 And if Jarvis took a picture of the family, well, no one would know.

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