Chapter Twenty-Ironman 3

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Loki was sitting on the couch with Thor, deep in thought about the news about The Mandrin and Ironman. Clint had left to tend to some business of sorts, leaving the brothers to their own devices. Loki stood up, his mind racing.

"Brother?" Thor looked up from his tablet with a raised eyebrow.

"I need to find Ironman, he has to know something about Stark"

"What makes you say that?" He set the tablet down to give him his full attention.

"I'm not sure....I don't believe in coincidences, and for Stark to disappear only for Ironman to reveal himself-"

"It is troubling, I understand that, but no one knows who he is, do you think that they are the same person?"

"No actually, that picture with Stark at the bar, it almost seemed like he knew something"

"So you think Ironman is a bodyguard of his?"

"Maybe? If anything I-I need answers from him, whether its who he is or why he helped me", Loki said firmly and started walking out.

"Let me join you," Thor stood as well and started following him.

"I don't need a chauffeur", Loki snapped quietly at him. Thor placed a hand on Loki's shoulder,

"How about a friend then?"

Loki softened and nodded, pressing the button to the elevator and walking through.

They walked along the streetside until Loki chose a high building with a fire escape on it and they climbed to the top, then proceeded to sit on the ledge. They watched for about an hour, waiting to see if they could catch a glimpse of the suit of armor.

"Can I ask you something?" Loki said after the hour had passed and no one had spoken.

"Of course, what is it?"

"The others seem intent on catching Ironman and detaining him for his crimes...but you haven't voiced any interest in doing so..if anything you avoid the missions that have him in it..."

Thor sighed, looking down at his hands and took a minute to answer.

"I...I haven't always been the best brother to you. And when you were taken under control I-I didn't even see it", he said quietly, his tone portraying how much it shamed him to admit.

"And here comes Ironman, someone who neither of us had ever met, and he knew...he knew exactly what was wrong with you..."

He shook his head, looking back over the horizon,

"He has my gratitude and I owe him a debt I can't no, I will not go on a senseless witch hunt for a man who saved you"

Loki softened and placed a hand on Thor's shoulder, offering no words because they would have meant little to nothing in a moment like this.

The sound of repulsors interrupted the moment and they both looked up to see the Ironman approaching and slowing down to land on the roof.

"Good afternoon gentlemen", Ironman greeted them, "hope I'm not intruding on something"

"Not at all, we were waiting for you actually", Thor beckoned him closer.

He hesitated on the spot, but started walking over to the princes. It was behavior that mimicked a person that Loki believed there was a person inside that metal suit.

"What can I do for you?" he asked as he sat on the ledge a few feet from Thor, a leg dangling over the edge.

"Why?" Loki asked softly, looking at the expressionless mask.

"Why did you save me?"

The Ironman sighed, and tapped his fingers on his legs.

"Because you didn't deserve that, you didn't deserve not having autonomy"

"But how did you know?" Thor asked urgently.

"Those are my secrets Point Break", He said with obvious humor but a clear message.

" you know where Tony Stark is?" Thor asked, curiosity burning his chest.

"What's with the interest?" The helmet tilted in confusion.

"There was a broadcast a few hours ago about you and the Mandarin, and Stark came you know where he is?" Loki asked.

Ironman seemed to contemplate what he could or couldn't say, drumming his fingers on the ground.

"He's safe where he is, away from people that will want to kill him, you need not worry about him"

"But he's alive still? People don't know anything about what happened to him, why did he disappear?" Thor asked, confused, running a hand through his hair.

"He got dealt a bad hand, betrayed and almost died, tends to make any man go insane", Ironman said with a shrug.

"I do my best to keep him under wraps, the less people know the better"

Loki and Thor had more questions than answers at this point, but something beeped from the suit and he stood up.

"Sorry, duty calls", he gave them a two finger salute and fell off the building, taking off towards the sky.

Loki and Thor were reeling over the very short conversation, Thor rubbing at his temples.

"It's always riddles with that one...we're missing something, aren't we?"

"That seems to always be the case", Loki nodded slowly.

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