Chapter Seven-Civil War

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Spider Man stood before a warehouse, up on a roof, the one Fury predicted Ironman to be sighted at. 

He could hear crashing inside, so he can only assume that he's already there.

 He waited for a moment, thinking of what could be causing those sounds.

 There were thousands of theories of what he did in warehouses, but there was no evidence of what it was, the buildings always exploded.

 He carefully went through a window and looked down.

 Sure enough, Ironman was destroying...weapons?

 Not just any weapons, Stark Industries weapons.

 'Why the hell are there the world's highest marketing weapons in an abandoned warehouse??' Peter thought, not moving from his wall perch.

 Spiderman drops, and crosses his arms, "Sir, I'm pretty sure you did not pay for those", he said.

 Ironman stopped and turned to face him, "No, but someone else might, with their lives".

 He aimed a hand behind his back and shot a repulser at another crate.

 "It's not safe here kid, go back to the streets, help the little guy. But please," Iron Man paused for a second, "Leave this to me, these are my responsibility".

 Spiderman is stuck to the spot, no one has officially figured out he was a kid, Miss Natasha knew he was on the young side, but for Ironman to know as soon as he had spoken-it unnerved him.

 "Sir-Ironman, I don't care if it's not safe, the only danger right now is you. Now if you'll step away from the weapons and come with me-" 

Ironman laughs, but it was a humorless, dry laugh.

 "I'm sorry kid, but your wrong" a car pulls up outside the warehouse, the gravel crunching under the tires.

 At first Peter thinks it's Ironman's back up, but he looks to his left, still facing Ironman.

 A shield agent walks in, someone Peter recognized.

 "Shit, kid, get behind me" Ironman's voice said tensely.

 Spiderman sees Agent Rumlow walk in with a Bazooka.

 Rumlow seems to aim for Ironman, but Peter couldn't tell, since he hasn't taken his eyes off of Ironman. 

But suddenly, for the first time since he walked into the warehouse, his spider senses screamed.

 It has never screamed at him before. 

He is still staring at Ironman, who has a hand out, as if to help him.

 In a millionth of a second, he looks to Rumlow-who is firing the Bazooka...

which is aimed at him. 

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