Chapter Nineteen-Civil War

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Peter scaled the wall of the mansion to a skylight and slipped inside, shutting it behind him and sticking to the ceiling, trying to get a bearing on where he was in the mansion.

He, like so many other fanatics of Tony Stark studied the architecture when he revealed the mansion to the world.

He was somewhere on the first floor, close to the kitchens and bedrooms-although he could be wrong, it had been a few years since he's looked at the schematics. He crawled along the surface, staying in the low lit hallway when other voices resounded close by.

"Dad? Is papa okay? What happened?" A young female voice asked, tinged with worry. She sounded a little older then him, but only by a few years.

"He will be, something happened when he was taking care of a warehouse," a much older and gruffer voice said.

"Should I try and call Stephen? Maybe the Ancient One?" a new person asked, concern etching his tone.

"No no, I got him in medical, he'll be okay Peitro, if something else happens then yes"

"Okay Dad", Peitro sighed, sounding a little at ease but not by much.

Peter peaked slowly around the corner where he hid, still very much on the ceiling and saw the three people. Two were young, just as he thought, early 's 20's at most.

The girl was curvy and had beautiful red hair and a soft complexion, wearing jewelry on her hands. The boy, Peitro, was tall and slender, white hair and sharp features. The older man-peter's brain supplied him with a name already.

James Barnes, Steve had told him of an encounter of both Ironman and his thought dead friend. He didn't mention that Bucky had a cool metal arm though.

They continued to talk about other things but Peter tuned them out-he had a destination now, the medical bay. He slinked down the hallway, silently making his way to the lower levels.

He thought back to the strange voice from the suit...none of the residents here sounded like that. So he was either about to run into the fourth person in the med bay or-

He shook his head, one problem at a time, he had to investigate the medical bay...maybe today was the day they finally discovered who was behind the Ironman mask.

Peter slipped down the stairway on light silent feet, going to a glass door that was slightly ajar. He looked around quickly and cursed, this wasn't medical-this was a workshop.

He walked in, looking around. There were Ironman suits on display around the room, one on the table that looked like it was being worked on and several high tech holos were open and on display at the bench.

Unable to contain his curiosity he walked forward and started reading them. There was so much information-files on Hydra bases, actual Hydra bases-under the table SI deals to foreign nations instead of just the US government, Hydra bases that Ironman cleared and destroyed that he has never seen spoken of, and an entire list of agents in SHIELD that are marked as Hydra doubles. He flipped through several folders, humming in surprise when he found a folder with Tony Stark as its label.

There were countless channels open that maintained world wide emergencies and communications in need of assistance, several security feeds regarding dangerous natural disasters as well. Peter was frozen, overwhelmed with all of this new information-they had been going at this all wrong.

Everything that Ironman has done he'd been trying to root out a problem that no one knew existed-make that two problems. He kept digging through the files that he didn't realize someone came into the lab.

Everything he was told about Ironman was proved wrong in seconds from the amount of evidence of the actions he's taken against Hydra and the amount of protection he was giving Tony Stark-the folder was a list of protocols and safe houses for the man, along with accounts of several assassination attempts.

Why would Ironman keep Mr. Stark safe? Did they know each other? Is that why Ironman has his mansion as a base-

A soft click interrupted his train of thought, but it wasn't a gun type of click, it was a light switch.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to sneak into houses?" Bucky asked unimpressed from behind him.

Peter turned, the suit eyes widening, "Uhhhh, hi?"

"Hi", Bucky said simply, crossing his arms and leaning against the door jam, more footsteps following down the stairway.

"What are you doing here webs?"

"I was-I was following Ironman, and I know your not him so if you'll just move out of the way-"

A red mist picked Peter up within its grasps, dangling him a few feet off the ground.

"And what then? You plan on killing him like everyone else wants to?" the woman demanded, her eyes red as the magic seemed to emanate from her.

"Easy Wanda", Bucky said softly, although his eyes were dark as he looked at him.

"You have exactly ten seconds to tell me what the fuck happened today, he has never been injured while taking care of the weapon warehouses until you showed up"

"Rumblow-he showed up with a bazzoka-" Peter struggled in the mist, trying to free himself but getting nowhere.

"He was aiming for me-but Ironman stepped in the way-I just-I wanted to know why"

Bucky sighed and covered his face while Peitro nodded.

"That unfortunately tracks for Pops..."

"He's your dad?" Peter asked confused as hell.

"Long story", Wanda sighed as lowered Peter to the ground slowly.

"Is-is he okay? The suit seemed to take him back here on autopilot and-"

"He's unconscious," Bucky said softly, "but he's recovering, he took a hit to the chest, he'll be waking up soon so..."

He rubbed over his face with a groan, "I guess we have to bring you up to speed".

"Dad wait, you can't be serious", Wanda frowned, looking at Peter worriedly.

"Stephen already knows, and Jarvis didn't say anything about him being inside so he probably put some sort of protocol in him that has allowed Peter to get this far"

Peter froze, "You-you know my name?"

"Duh", Peitro chuckled, running a hand through his hair, "Pops talks about you all the time, makes Wanda jealous", he stage whispered to him.

Wanda elbowed her brother slightly, "I do not get jealous, I'm just concerned because Peter will tell the Avengers and then were all fucked"

"I love how I'm being talked about in the room, but if its about who he is...I'll have to tell someone at some point..."

"And maybe it's time for that, you said Rumblow straight on attacked you, right?" Bucky asked softly, to which Peter nodded.

"Well, we will have to wait until he wakes up, but I think he will agree"

"Agree with what?" Peter tilted his head quizzically.

"That the time for hiding is over"

I am....Ironmanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن