Chapter Eight-Winter Soldier

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Ironman helps his partner up, and hits a Hydra operant.

 They're disguising themselves as thugs now, just perfect. 

The Avengers were coming on scene as they saw the man in red gold armor and an unknown figure fight back to back.

 Steve took charge, and they as a group drove the masked thugs back and they retreated in black vans.

 The unknown figure was tall, had long brown hair, and was panting slightly.

 Ironman led him away from the group, but Steve watched them, as they seemed to have a conversation in depth, involving Ironman calming the unknown figure.

 The man's breath kept speeding up, to which Ironman ripped of the mask that the man had and it was- 

"Bucky?" Steve called out, confused, as to how he was alive and why he was with Ironman.

 Bucky looked up to Steve, placing a hand on Ironman's upper arm.

He looked well, his long brown hair in a messy bun, his skin tan and his body seemed healthy, he was wearing a dark blue jacket reminisce of way back in the way with thick black cargo pants decked out with weapons.

 "'s been a long time" he said breathlessly, his obvious panic from before leaving with the renewal of oxygen.

 Steve walked closer to the duo, "How are you alive? You died on the train..what happened?"

 Bucky huffed softly, "Soviets, Hydra, Red Room, a lot happened to me Steve ''. 

Steve tilted his head, the others coming up behind him, "What are you talking about, Hydra? Hydra's long gone" 

Ironman chortled, "Steve, I think we should leave before we gather more attention".

 Bucky nodded to Steve, "See ya round punk". 

"Oh, I almost forgot", Ironman murmured, tossing a small purple box to Clint, who caught it flawlessly.

 "What's this?" he asked suspiciously. 

Bucky quirked a small smile, "A gift". 

Steve was speechless as he saw Ironman lift Bucky up and away. 

Clint tosses it in the air, "This seems a little...odd".

 "That's one way to put it" Nat mutters.

 Steve looked over to Clint holding the box, and inside were two sets of hearing aids, one purple one black.

 "He gave you hearing aids?" Steve asked, confused.

 "Yeah, that's weird, '' Clint said with different inflections in his voice.

 Nat sighed and tapped Clint's arm, "Your shield ones fell out again, put them back in" she signed to him.

 Clint looked around, "Good luck, they are probably crushed underfoot".

 He looked down at the ones Ironman just gave him and started to put in the purple ones.

 "Clint wait, we don't know if those are dangerous-" Steve tried to protest.

 Clint popped them in and almost started crying, he could hear better, better than any shield hearing aid ever gave him.

 Nat hugged him close, rubbing his back as he could hear the birds that were chirping across the street.

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