Chapter Twelve-Avengers

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"So you're telling me, that a being, the "other", brainwashed you with the scepter to find someone who's been missing for almost five years" Fury stated, staring Loki down with a speculative gaze.

 Loki hadn't moved from thor side, which concerned thor greatly. 

His younger sibling was never one to seek affection from anyone, even less from him.

 So it made a protective streak rise in thors chest, keeping him close.

 "That is correct Director. I was not in my own mind during my time on midgaurd-here" He seemed to hesitate before he spoke. 

"Did...did i hurt anyone?" he glanced at Clint, who was seated behind fury next to Coulson.

 Clint shrugged. "A couple hundred are scared, one guy only has one eye but other then that he's alright".

 Fury watched Lokis reaction with peaked curiosity, loki seemed to curl into himself, his shoulders slumping. 

"I don't want to hurt anyone", he whispered quietly, his head thunking on thors chest. 

Thor rubbed lokis back, his head resting on loki's.

Fury walked out, Coulson on his heels

The door shut behind them, and they walked down the hallway, the silence filled with tension.

"Do you believe him?" Coulson asked, leaning against the railing overlooking the shield building, bustling agents below them in common clothes and uniform.

"If i were to, it would mean we have another issue" fury muttered

"Other forces playing chess with our world? Yeah, not very settling", Coulson huffed

"Did you hear the name of whoever went missing? It was a T name.."

"Thor said someone named 'Thanos, the mad Titan', no one knows if hes even real because he disappeared so long ago, on some sort of quest", Coulson shrugged.

"Even if its true, which is a big if, Phil," Fury leveled him a look, "What do we do with Loki then?"

"Let him be with Thor? Maybe that initiative has room for two gods"

Fury and Coulson kept discussing it throughout the day, the world seeming to die down after a crazy lunatic was shouting at a gala in Germany, but no one really knew what happened.

The sun had set, casting golds, pinks, reds, oranges and purples across the reflective flooring.

 Agents had gone home to their families, apartments or missions-there was no sign of life. Until there was, in the most unlikely form.

Ironman stood at a window wall of the building, watching the sun set over the horizon, seeming to be simply existing there. 

He had disappeared in the forest after breaking the mind control on Loki, in turn breaking the branch pathways that connected Loki to the other unfortunate souls.

He stood in the apparent silence, knowing it will be short lived, but it was necessary.

Natasha hid in the shadows, sneaking up on Ironman, hoping to take him down.

 What did he expect, that Shield would welcome him into their space with open arms? 

She made absolutely no sound, but she was still being careful because she didn't know what he could do or tech he was equipped with.

 She was less then 15 feet behind him, barely breathing and ready to knock his knees in or at least knock him down when-

"Romanova, come talk with me" Ironman said softly, a edge in the voice caused by whatever voice disruptor he was using, making the tone sound almost warm and comforting.

 She froze, knowing that backup was on the way, but she wouldn't have a way to contact Rumlow or Clint if this suddenly became a hostage situation.

She walked forward, somewhat stunned that he knew the russian name given to her.

"Its Romanoff", she said icily, not showing how unnerved she was by being this close to the foreign armor.

"Of course", the suit actually nodded, as if it was an error made by its behalf

They stood in silence for a moment longer, then the voice seemed to acknowledge their time was up, and turned to Natasha.

She fully expected him to wrench her arm behind her back and point some weapon at her head, and was ready tp counter measure anything he would throw at her, but he did the one thing she never accounted for.

He handed her a piece of glass, rectangular in shape, about five by three inches, a small thing.

But she didn't take it, didn't even move her hand towards it.

"You're a strong woman Natasha, but not even you can see the danger around you...not when you've laid in bed with it"

She couldn't possibly understand what he meant, but he was obviously referring to shield.

He crouched down, laying the piece of glass on the ground, and then disappeared into the shadows.

 She knew she should follow him, to demand answers of him, but she bent down and picked up the glass item. 

It lit up at her touch, showing files on....shield agents? 

She scrolled down the list, expecting death threats involved with the files, a do this or the agent gets burned type scenario.

 But the more she looked at the files, the more puzzled she was. 

There was something she was missing with these agents, like why of all people was Rumlow on the list?

 He was almost a lap dog to Alexander Pierce, one of the Shield leaders. 

Was it a threat against them after all?

She heard footsteps coming her way, and she tucked the glass piece in her pocket, she needed more information before she showed anyone. 

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