Chapter 3 - Motivation

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He walked in wearing the same gray suit from your run in earlier, however his sunglasses were no where to be found. He didn't say anything after you opened the door but silently walked into your office and started scanning the room. You followed quietly behind him.

"You know what I hate?" He turned around to face you.

"Being insulted by me?" You wished you weren't so blunt but he bit his lip and smiled at you. He once again fell quiet and turned his back towards you and made it to your desk. "Actually," He reached into your jar of M&M's and tossed some into his mouth. He turned back toward you leaning against your desk now, "I found it rather amusing." He throw another handful of M&Ms in his mouth and smacked his hands together to get off the crumbs. "Most people here kiss my ass everyday." He started to un-button his suit top revealing a black T-shirt that was tight again his body. " It was a little refreshing to get some honest feedback." He tossed the suit jacket on the chair in front of your desk

"Then I am stumped," You walked up to him , "What bothers you?" You crossed your arms and held his stare.

"Michael told me about your department's profit concerns." Before Tony could finish you interrupted him, "I bet he sounded jubilant in giving you the announcement." You walked around Tony and grabbed the remote to shut the music off. You took a seat at your desk and Tony sat down on the chair across from you.

"Yes, but he had a completely different tone when speaking about you." Tony pointed at you and waited for your reaction. Your expression didn't change.

"Listen, Michael and I have a mutual respect that we mutually disrespect each other." You glanced down and noticed the nasty drawing of Michael you drew on your draft paper. You hoped Tony wouldn't notice but the second you glanced down his gaze followed. He laughed, "I see that."

You were so embarrassed you started to scribble it out. " Like I said, mutual disrespect Mr. Stark."

"Please, Call me Tony." He leaned back while you finished leaving only a large black blob on the draft paper. "He seems to really respect your partner."

You made eye contact again with Tony. " She's the voice and face of the department and between you and I, she is the first one to bend over when it's needed."

"And you?" He crossed his arms across his chest

"I am not that easy." You met his gaze and held it, " I worked very hard to get into the position I am in and I'll be damned if I just roll over because I am given what should be an impossible task."

Tony, "You're refreshing, you know that?"

" Life's to short to be anything other than unapologetic." You pretended to look at your computer screen, "However, I also recognize my mistakes and my comment about the Stark Exp..."

"Let's see your drafts." Tony interrupted you

"Excuse me?" You were caught of guard.

"Show me what ideas you came up with to save the department." You didn't move because you knew you didn't have anything to show. " Surely your drawing of Michael wasn't the only thing you have been doing down here tonight."

"Shit, it was" You thought to yourself. Quickly you knew how to save your ass, " I had a few different ideas today but it didn't match the budget so I have to put them in the over budget filing cabinet." You gestured to the garbage can

Tony leaned to his side and grabbed the drafts from the trash can. He rolled them out and began reviewing the information.

You grabbed your water bottle and took a sip while waiting for a response. Your body squealed with delight at water instead of another espresso. You acknowledged your fake plant, such a smart choice.

"Not enough time, too many bugs," He tossed the first two out again and analyzed the third one. " Could you really create this?" he held up the design.

The design was for a water conservation chamber. The item is placed in any element (dirt, swamp, mud, etc.) and it will act as a well. A built in tube will go as deep as needed to tap into a water supply. Through chemistry, we were also able to recently discover an element that attracts water. It will work almost like a magnetic and attract the tube to the water source. Attached to the conservation chamber is also a charcoal based straw to eliminate bacteria and offer natural filtration. Theoretically if it works and became mass produced, this item could eliminate dehydration and offer clean water alternatives around the world.

" Of course," You grabbed the design and reanalyzed it. "However, with the different elements needed for product testing I would have to have another 500,000 built into the budget." You went to go toss it again but Tony grabbed your wrist stopping you. With his other hand he took back the draft and analyzed it one more time.

He stood up and that was when you noticed he was also wearing converse shoes, only in black. He rubbed his bottom lip and glanced back at you. " one million for your budget," He slapped the design back on your desk, "and you make it available by the Stark expo in two weeks." He held out his hand.

You were hesitant of course, such a timeframe with a product that still has to be built and demoed is a risky chance but at this point what do you have to lose?" And the department stays operational if the time frame is met." You grabbed Tony's hand and shook it.

Tony grabbed his suit jacket and walked toward your office door and when he grabbed the door knob he stopped." I hate that anyone doubts the only worker willing to fight for their department and work." He nodded at the Keurig machine, "I believe Michael is wrong about you." He was half way out the door, "Help me prove it." He stepped out and you watched him walk away from your office.

You fell back into your chair flabbergasted at what just transpired. You instantly began making copies of the design and placing orders for the supplies. Tessa is never going to believe this!

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