Chapter 28 - Time will tell

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When you woke up the natural light from your window shined through. The noise of New York seemed to be more prevalent after staying in Malibu.

As you stood up and stretched you knew you had a big day ahead of you. You're launching your first water conversation project this week and there is going to be an enormous amount of press and eye witnesses overseeing the event.

You walked through your living room and made your way to the shower. Everything seemed wrong about being here after staying with Tony. Your bed felt hard and the sheets scratchy, your water never seemed to be hot enough or the pressure was wrong. Even the noise of the city seemed far more irritating then it ever has in the past but mostly, you missed Tony. You've been back now for a few weeks and it's been hard getting readjusted.

You stepped out of the shower and dried off before dressing in a flattering tailored suit. You let your hair down and finished applying your makeup. You took one last look at the mirror before grabbing your phone and heading downstairs. A town car was waiting for you at the bottom and you hopped in. You felt sadness when the voice from the front wasn't Happy but instead a non snarky greeting from a pleasant driver.

As the car pulled forward and you neared the event there was a crowd of people over two miles long waiting.

"They say today is a day for the history books." The driver responded. The driver didn't know this was your project or that his remark, although kind, made your palms sweaty.

"Well I hope it doesn't disappoint." Was your reply as the car halted to a stop. A man dressed in black opened the door for you and as you stepped out the crowd began to roar. You knew it wasn't for you. You squinted looking up at the sky and IronMan was making his landing.

You began walking towards the stage as he waved at the crowd and iron man disappeared leaving only Tony in a tailored suit. He took notice of you and began walking towards you. "You look beautiful." You pretended not to hear him. "Is everything placed?" You asked. Tony touched your shoulders. "Relax. Everything is going to go without a hitch."

"You say that so confidently but I'm the one that's been here finalizing everything." Your remark came across aggressive without the intent to do so. "I'm sorry Tony. I'm just stressed." He leaned in, "I've missed you too." You rolled your eyes. It was by sheer luck that over the last year you and Tony kept your relationship away from the public eye but as your belly continued to grow it would only be a matter of time. "Was the patent finalized on the arc reactor heart remodel?"

He nodded, "They even agreed to our affordability pricing." This caused you to smile, "Everyone will be able to afford it if they need it."

You wanted to jump into his arms but resisted. "Looks like our time apart wasn't wasted." You remarked but he grunted. "I would have much rather spent it with you two." He looked down at your belly. "Then a board room filled with old men who reek of money and hemorrhoid cream."

Before you could make a snide remark an announcement was made that the event will be starting. You and Tony took to the stage both waving out to the crowd.

"Today is an important day for citizens worldwide." You began your speech. "Today is the day we make one of the largest steps towards ending the world's water concern." You went on to explain the harvesting mechanics of the machine and now with the addition of the well pump anyone will be able to retrieve water on an individual or a household level. The water will be filtered and fresh assuring everyone has access to one of the most substantial resources."

As you finished speaking a large jumbotron appeared and it showed video footage of Tony flying all around the world and installing the machines along poverty points, dessert, draught areas, and any other areas where it's reported a needed resource.

Then the screen switched to live footage and the crowd was silent. Tony stepped to the mic while the screen split into small squares to show families, villages, and individuals next to your project. "Alright!" Tony looked at the screen, "On the count of three.. One." Your heart raced, "Two." You could vomit. "Three." You began to shake you really might puke. Then you watched everyone step towards the machine and you remember not paying much attention to the mechanics but the look of joy and relief on people's faces when they were granted access to clean water for the first time. You began to cry out of pure joy and a confetti Cannon shot out into the crowd. Everyone began to roar with excitement.

Tony stepped back to the mic and held up his hands to silent the crowd. "I want to make sure that this project is accredited to the proper person." Tony pulled you by his side. "Y/N Y/LN solely developed this machine. She overseen and helped with the assembly, she had a vision for it's future for the sole purpose of helping others." You couldn't wipe your tears away fast enough. "She helped me to see the importance of humanitarian efforts over materialism and she also designed the Iron Man suit." The crowd roared again finding out you designed the suit. "She is also in the process of making one of the most important creations." You didn't realize Tony was going to announce the reactor yet and you looked at him a little confused.

"She is carrying our child." You didn't know how the crowd was reacting because at that moment it was just you and him. He had tears filling his eyes and you watched as he knelt down on one knee and pull out a box. "Y/N, will you marry me?" You leaned down and kissed him pulling him back up. "Of course!" He slipped the ring on your finger and you continued to kiss him. You saw the flashes in your eyes from the press but it didn't matter who saw you. You were positive you were in Nirvana with the happiness that spread across your body. You've never been happier then in this moment.

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