Chapter 13 - Sweetie

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"I just feel you didn't really think this through," Brock stated as he watched you pack your bags. " I mean you've known him what, a few weeks?"

You stopped packing at the irony, "and I've known you a day." He rolled his eyes and you continued putting clothes into your suitcase. "I am not a child and can make my own choices, even if they fruition into a mistake."

He put his arms up surrendering. "Fine, fair!" He leaned against your end table but just promise me, "If you ever feel uncomfortable or you want to leave that you'll call me."

"Deal." You tossed him your phone and he began entering in his number. Then right as you zipped up your bag there was a loud noise from the street. You walked over to your window and peered down to see Tony stepping out of his car and the music was blasting. He started blowing kisses at the paparazzi and made his way to your door. How him and Happy were able to get in without a key you weren't sure but it was aggravating.

Just as Tony disappeared making his way to your apartment you looked at Brock who was smiling, "It's not to late to change you mind." Then there was a knock on the door, "Actually I think it is."

You took your phone back and headed towards the door, suitcase in hand.


The walk out of your apartment was miserable. From him coming into the apartment building to now leaving the press doubled. Tony took notice on the way out and handed you his sunglasses. "Trust me." You put them on and Tony grabbed your hand with Rumlow following behind.

You were so thankful for the sunglasses because even with them you needed your hand held in front of your face to block the flashes circling you. All while Tony was waving happily. Multiple press were screaming out different questions, asking if you were a couple, asking if you were family, how you saved his life, were you in fact 5 months pregnant ( that stung a bit), and one women even asked how you could have a son as old as Tony.

Rumlow opened the door and Tony dropped your hand letting you slip into the car. He then shouted to the press, "Yes for everything." And gave them a thumbs up. They went crazy that he responded and Tony gave one final wave before he slid in and looked at Brock, "Sweety, mind getting the door." Brock rolled his eyes and grabbed the door but before he shut it he looked at Stark, "If you hurt her you're going to answer to me." Then he slammed the door im Starks face. Tony turned and looked at you, " I think he has a bit of a crush." He smirked at you while you were making a face of disgust at him, "Lucky you." Tony kept going, "With a build like him I bet he has a huge..."

"ENOUGH! Seriously Tony shut up. We are less than 30 minutes in and I already want to jump out of this car into oncoming traffic." You went into your purse and took a Tylenol.

"Do you have a headache?" Tony looked at you

"Not yet but I'm taking preemptive measures." You put the Tylenol back in your purse and sent Brock a quick text, "I am fruitioning a mistake." After you hit send you crossed your arms and ignored Tony the rest of the trip to California. Which included a 5 hour and 27 minute flight.

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