Chapter 5 - Leaving

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When you opened your eyes the next morning and you were encased in sunlight. You tried to ignore the warmth on your face but your corner apartment windows made it nearly impossible. You're typically so eager to get up and head into the office but today you were lagging. 

You tossed your legs over the side of the bed and sat up grabbing your phone from the nightstand next to you. 15 missed calls and 23 unread text messages. You hesitantly checked and 23 text messages were from Tessa, begging to talk to you. When you checked the missed calls all were from Tessa but 1 unknown caller also showed on your phone's missed call list. 

Most likely a telemarketer, you thought to yourself while placing the phone back on the nightstand and standing up. Once on your feet you had a rewarding stretch and existed out of your bedroom through the living room and into the bathroom. You started  the shower and while you were waiting for it to warm up you took out your hair tie and tossed the lose sweater you slept in with your underwear in a heap on the bathroom floor. When you stepped in, your mind wondered to yesterday. Tony, the future of your project, Tessa, and Ugh Michael. You tried to be rational that Tessa is an adult and can make her own choices, but something in you wanted to scream at her. Why? Out of all people, Michael! You could feel your blood starting to boil and just as you were turning off the shower, you heard a knock on the door. "Oh, God.."

You stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around you. When you opened the bathroom door the steam from your shower escaped from the bathroom and disappeared into the living room. When you walked through the kitchen to the front doors your mind played multiple scenarios on how to confront Tessa. Letting out a deep breath you unlocked the deadbolt and slowly begin to open the door, "Listen." The door inched open, "Tess..." You faced the figure in your door and it was anyone but Tessa.  

A tall broad man was standing in front of you and you instantly recognized him. He was the head of Stark security, the man who greeted you on the way out.

"Oh! I am sorry!" He noticed you standing in only a towel and respectfully tuned around when he spoke further, fumbling his words. "I am here on a business matter, Ms. Y/LN." 

 You slightly enjoyed seeing him be a bit uneasy so you stood with the door wide open and leaned in the doorway. "Tony asked if I could pick you up." You were happy the man was turned around because your face fell, "Why? Isn't he going to be at Stark Industries today? That's exactly where I am heading after I finish getting ready." 

"He asked me to get you and bring you to a café down the road. He only told me he has some business that he needs to talk to you about." He began turning around but made it a point to only look in your eyes, "He told me I couldn't take no as an answer." 

"Does he do this a lot?" You glared at him, "Ask strangers to knock on a woman's door at the butt crack of dawn for a business matter?"

"First time." He stated the fact and began to walk toward the stair case towards the far end of the hallway, " I will be waiting downstairs by the car." 

You shut your door and recognized that if the owner of your company wants a business meeting that's exactly what he is going to have, he made that clear. 

You dressed in a black pencil length skirt and a button up blouse. You weren't sure if there would be paparazzi following him around and wanted no speculation of anything further then a work relationship. You didn't need anyone thinking he helped in any way with your success. 

After changing you put on your black pumps and left your apartment. You rounded the corner but took the elevator, there was no way you were walking down 15 flights of stairs like the security officer did. 

When you reached the bottom right outside your door he was waiting wearing sunglasses and standing next to a black car. To any passenger by it might look as if he is apart of the Secret Service. He saw you approach and opened the back door. You slid in and he shut it behind you and walked to the driver side. "So stranger," He looked in his review mirror at you, "Do you have a name?" "Happy." Just then he rolled a window between you too. "Must not be one for small talk." You thought it he wouldn't be able to hear you when you heard him chime, "Nope." and the car proceeded forward. 


When the car slowed to a stop you heard the driver side door open and then yours. You walked out in front of a café that was covered in ivy and floral designs. It had a very French feel for being in the middle of New York City. You could smell the coffee and pastries in the air and you followed your nose inside but Happy strolled behind you.

When you walked in and looked around the café Tony was no where to be found. Then Happy gestured to a glass stair case and you proceeded up. Happy stayed at the bottom, standing guard. When you made your way to top it was an open concept with the ivy hanging over the open windows and the floral smell was heavy in the air. It even covered up the scent of coffee and pastries below. Standing in the middle of the room was Tony with a small circular table next to him. It had coffee and pastries already laid out and an empty chair next to him. He was talking on the phone but when the noise from your heels on concrete echoed he turned around smiling. "I have to let you go." He put the phone on the table and walked to the empty seat pulling out the chair and gesturing for you to sit.

You didn't say a word when you sat down but looked in front of you. There was buttered croissant and a tea cup with floral patters and perfectly poured espresso in front of you. "What is this?" You asked grimily.

"Lavished isn't it?" Tony sat across from you. "This is what it likes to live big." 

You bit into your croissant, " Tony, you're being a annoying. What's your point? I have a feeling it isn't to throw your wealth in my face." 

He pointed at you, " I am just giving you a taste of what your life is going to be in a few months?"

He caught your attention full-heartily now. "What do you mean?"

Your water conservation project is with a prospective buyer, who could mass produce the project at record speed. The buyout is 10 billion, and of course you get the 25% innovator cut. 

You choked on your espresso. You weren't hurting for money and for New York City you were deemed to be doing well. Your corner apartment was in Upper Manhattan and you owned a few designer items but this would completely change your life. 

"What's the company going to do with it?" You set your espresso down and Tony spoke wildly. "Who cares? The profit alone for Stark industries could allow for even more designs and you.. Oh  you could be the VP overseeing future operations, future innovations. You would get a bigger office, no more metal grates or the cold Lower Level." He ran his hands through his hair, "Hell, you're office could be right next to mine." 

"Tony," you remained shaken but calm. "I care what they do with it. Something like this can and would be a game changer in helping underdeveloped communities across the world. I would want to make sure it is going to be beneficial, not profitable." He looked at you shell shocked but you proceeded. " I really don't give a shit about the money, I give a shit about the people. Don't you?"

"I care about profit margins and good investments." He sat back in his chair, "Sorry if that offends you but that's what my main focus needs to be on." Then he leaned forward towards you, "Plus, you are creating a Stark Industry Invention. What I say goes and so, I postponed the Stark Expo and I am going to take it with me on my trip oversees in a few days. If they want to buy, I am going to sell regardless." 

You stood up, "Then I quit." 

He bit his finger and stared at you, "You quit?" 

"Yes, I am going to go where work is appreciated as the resource it can be to communities in need." You walked towards the stairs. 

"So much for saving your department." He spoke and you stopped dead in your track.

"Don't be a fool Tony, you need that department to finish the project and with my salary gone you could pay them twice over." You took one step down before looking back at him, " Have a nice life Tony." 

When you made it down the steps Happy was going to follow up, "No thank you." You stormed out of the café and began to walk back home. 

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