Chapter 12 - Eyes up here princess

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On a typical day the light shining into your corner windows would be the first indicator of morning, but today was different. You woke up to the smell of coffee being made and a pillow barrier separating each side of your bed. You sat up and did your morning stretch and put on a cardigan. When you walked out of your room Brock was in the kitchen, "Good Morning." he said to you while you sat down at the stool. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Well after I brought your stubborn ass to bed, great." He handed you a cup of coffee. 

"I put the creamer in it that you had in the fridge. I assumed it was safe bet." You nodded and grabbed the warm coffee. 

"How about you, how did you sleep last night?" 

"I have a hard time sleeping." He poured a cup of black coffee for himself, "Comes with the territory." he took a swig and set the cup down. 

You took a few more sips before standing up, "I am going to take a shower and then we can go." 

He walked toward your living room windows and looked down. "The sooner the better, you're new entourage is waiting outside." 

"Great," You rolled your eyes. You walked into your bedroom and grabbed your clothes and headed towards the shower, "You are going to have to hold me back from killing Stark today."

"I'll do my best." 


"Y/N, I don't know if you could tell but I am the kind of guy that shouldn't be fucked with. So forgive me when I don't give a rats ass why punched Stark." Fury was pissed, to say the least. "I need you to remain on his good side so we can get more intel on the Iron Man suit and it's abilities. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, I am sorry." You had your arms crossed while sitting in the office chair. 

"Don't tell me that, go tell Tony." Fury pointed to the door. "Rumlow, meet me upstairs I have intel on a new target." Brock nodded and followed. 

You stood up hesitantly and walked into the lab where Tony was. He was just tinkering with a computer when you walked in. He looked up and had a black eye, you shouldn't but you did feel kind of bad.

"Ok, listen because I am only going to say this once." He stood up from his desk. "I am sorry for punching you in the face." You could tell he knew it was only a half truth. "But why the fuck would you just throw this at me Tony? I worked hard for your company and for you. Then not only do I have to have a body guard around to help with the paparazzi situation YOU caused, You've taken not one but TWO of my ideas and for what? Nothing that you have done has benefited society in any way. You didn't even think about me and the impact this would have on my life. You got a punch to the face but I had my own life turned upside down."

You sat down at the desk closest to you and just looked at him, waiting for his response. "You're right." His response surprised you. "I haven't thought about how this would effect you but you are also wrong you know." 

"About what?" 

"I may not have thought about the effect on you but I have only been thinking about you." You're face flushed, "What?" 

"Since you stormed out of the Café, it bothered me." He started pacing around the room, "I mean, I think I am pretty great. Most people in my company think I am great but you," He pointed at you, "You've been the only person to really question me and an act like that stands out." 

"Ok, but has it really changed anything Tony? What difference are you going to start making because running into you last night you were plastered and surrounded by beautiful women. It doesn't seem that really anything is different." He sat across from you and that's when you noticed something caught your eye, "Tony? Why is your chest glowing?"

He held up his fingers to his mouth to shh you, "Come with me." He grabbed your hand ripping you out of the chair and walked you down the hall to a broom closet.

"Seriously Tony!."

"Listen, no no.. shut up." 

You glared at him and he lifted up his shirt. "This, this is an arc reactor.. this is my life support right now but the thing is, I created it, a whole new element and I want to study it and the impacts it has on me."

You just stared at it, you were positive it could cause blindness but you couldn't help it. 

"Hey," he snapped in your face, "Eyes up here princess." You blinked and met his gaze. "You are one of the smartest people I know. I want you to help me study it's effects on me and make modifications."

"Tony.. I.." 

"Please," He looked at you, "I can't trust anyone. Not after what happened to me but you, you're the only one. I don't want to but I will beg again." 

"Fine, I will help you but in return I get back my Iron Man design and the water conservation project gets sent off for humanitarian efforts."

He held out his hand and you shook it, "Is it just me or is there something about this light that is turning you on too." 

"Ugh, you're so gross." You opened the broom closet to see Rumlow and Fury waiting outside with their arms crossed.

Tony pretended to wipe his mouth, "You dirty dog," he looked at you and then pretended to just notice them. "Oh hey boys," he patted Brock on the shoulder, "She is going to come back to Malibu with me." 

Fury and Rumlow glanced at each other, "I have the a lot better security then him," Tony pointed at Rumlow and to be honest, "She is the one who is going to give you all the intel you want right? Then this would be stupid for you to refuse." 

Rumlow chimed in, "Oh come on, you can't be serious!" He noticed that Fury was nodding in approval. "Y/N, what do you want?"

Everyone turned to look at you and you rolled your eyes and responded in a monotone voice, "I want to go with Tony." 

He put his arm around you, "See, the good guy always win." You stomped in his foot, "Never touch me again." You started to walk away. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Fury responded

"I need to pack my things," you continued to walk down the hall

"Brock, go with her." Fury ordered. 

As Brock followed you down the hall Fury smiled seeing Tony holding his foot. "I have a feeling this is going to be life changing trip for you Stark." 

"What makes you say that?" 

"She doesn't seem like someone who is going to put up with your shit." With that he walked away from Tony. 

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