Chapter 16 - Typical Saturday

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You made your way upstairs and went into your room. You pulled back the patio door and sat on a chair staring out into the ocean. You think of your dad daily but it isn't often that you open up about him.

As you sit in your chair you heard a knock on your door, "Mr. Stark ,Y/N" Jarvis stated and Tony walked in the room cautiously and stepped out into the patio.

" How are you holding up?" He took the chair next to you.

"I'm ok, it's just always a toll going through the emotions. It's kind of like reliving it."

He stared out to the ocean for a few minutes before he spoke, "I know how you feel. When my parents died in a car crash." He cleared his throat. "It's not the same." 

You put your hand on his knee in comfort. "Here." He stood up and went to the room and grabbed two blankets. He put one over you and dropped the other one over his chair. "One more thing." He went out of the room and came back in with two glasses and a bottle of wine. " Now were set," he handed you the glass and set the bottle down by you. He then moved his chair closer to yours and covered up. He popped the bottle and poured a glass for you both.

You gave him an inquisitive look, "What?!" He smiled

"I can see why the ladies fall for you." You responded

"Oh?" He grinned, "Was it a secret?"

You regretted saying anything and rolled your eyes taking another sip.

"My money is a good starter for swooning any women."

"No, see that's where you're wrong. It's not the wealth it's the charm." You took another sip "It's the ability to listen and relate. To make someone feel like they arnt alone in their emotions."

"Are you saying your falling for me Y/N?"

"No, I'm smart. We'd never work."

"Why's that?"

"If I was around you'd never be the smartest in the room and that would bother you."

" I thought you'd say it was because of your distaste in me so I'm rather flattered by your response."

"Oh, now that you bring it up I should clarify it's more repulsion."  You have to admit that you and Tony have great banter.

You both smiled, "Oh, repulsion!" He repeated enthusiastically.

"Yes, just the very idea of you makes me want to take an antacid."

"Well, do you know what you do to me?" Tony chimed in.

"Oh you caught my attention Tony. Please enlighten me."

He finished his champagne glass and looked at you. "Just being around you makes me want to be better, to do better." He stood up tossing the blanket on his chair and looked at you. " You make me a better man."

You looked at him flabbergasted. Apart of you doesn't believe that really came out of his mouth.

He picked up the empty champagne bottle and halfway stepped out of the patio. "I'm throwing a party tonight. Get ready. Oh and because I don't believe you own another ensemble, I picked out something nice for you. You don't have to wear it of course."

Then he disappeared out of the patio and out of your room. You received the confirmation click from the door closing behind him.


A long backless slitted dress lay hung in front of you when you finished your hair and makeup. It would be the most risky thing you've ever worn but you knew it would hug your curves perfectly. You took it off the hanger and slipped it on. You weren't wrong.

You slipped on heels that were placed under the dress and took one last glance into the mirror. You felt uncomfortable but confident.  You walked out of your room expecting to see Tony but instead Happy was waiting for you.

"Wow," he nodded at you , " You look wonderful."

"Thank you Happy." You flashed him a smile as you both walked to the front door.

"Is Tony already there?"  You weren't sure where there is.

"Yes, he's already at the art museum."

"Art Museum?" You questioned, "What's this for?"

"Tony donated a bunch of money to the art museum and to thank him they released the venue to him for the night."

"Sounds prestigious." You replied

"No," Happy held the door for you and you stepped in. "This is a typical Saturday for Stark."

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