Chapter 25 - Shot through the heart

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"Mr.Stark." the doctor announced to Tony who was asleep in the waiting room chair. Tony opened his eyes and shot up. "You can see her now." Tony tossed the blanket back on the chair and followed the provider to your room.

When the door open it was a different scene then he was prepared for. You had multiple tubes going in and out of your body with pumps  exchanging your oxygen and keeping your heart beating. Tony waved the doctor off and walked over to you. He tried to grab your hand but there was no room with all the devices surrounding you. Instead of trying to find an open spot to touch you he pulled up a chair to your bedside and just watched. Watched the machines, the tubes, and the IV drip. He shook his head not being able to handle it anymore and pushed the chair back and left the room.

He tossed his hoodie up leaving the hospital and started to walk back home. He was a few miles away when Happy found him. "Can you not run away after what you've been through?" Tony looked into the car and saw a kid in the passenger seat. "Who's that?" He stopped walking staring at him. "May's nephew Peter." Happy looked a little nervous. "She came up to see Y/N. They were good friends." Peter looked starstruck in the passenger seat at Tony and he opened the back door and hopped in.

"Did you have a chance to see her yet?" Happy asked but when he looked in the rearview mirror  Tony just kept staring out of the window and didn't respond. He didn't say anything the rest of the trip home and when Happy pulled up to his house he jumped out and shut the door before anyone could follow him in.

"Welcome home Mr. Stark." Jarvis stated as the lights automatically came on. As he proceeded into the house he immediately went to where your room was. He was hesitant to open the door but when he did your memory flooded his mind. Tony took a seat on the bed just staring out of the window.

"Is everything alright sir?" Jarvis asked and that was the breaking point for Tony. He began to cry . He couldn't hold back his tears any longer and they continuously flooded his eyes rapidly pouring down his cheeks. "It's all my fault." He whispered to himself.

After his eyes couldn't stand to shed another tear and his head was pounding he stood up and went to the kitchen pouring himself a drink.

"Jarvis," Tony shouted. "Pull up AMLS: Advanced Medical Life Support." He took a sip of his drink and began flipping through the text on his screen.

Hours have passed as Tony continued to go through Medical Textbooks trying to find any cure for you that the medical providers may have missed or disclosed.

As he was pondering various options as he began tapping on his arc reactor and that's when it dawned him on.

"Jarvis, what would be the plausibly of a similar arc reactor however instead of pushing away shrapnel it releases Thymosin-beta4?"

"Thymosin-beta4? To simulate progenitor cells?"  Jarvis ran the data. "At a rate you would need to repair her heart sir would need to come from a significant power source."

"Like a palladium core?" Tony tapped on his chest again.

"In theory. Jarvis hesitantly responded.

"I have to go." Tony grabbed his jacket and ran downstairs to his car.
"Where are you going sir?" Jarvis inquired.

"Back to the hospital." Tony started the ignition and sped away.

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