Chapter 22 - Idiot

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You and Tony worked all night and after a large portion of the project was done you slumped back down the wall and he sat back down with you. You placed your head on his shoulder and slowly closed your eyes. Although the situation you were in was less than ideal you felt comfort in being around him. You were able to relax and although it only felt like 5 minutes it must have been a few hours because you woke up to a door slamming open.

"Well, found another man." Rumlow stood in the door, "Oh, how heart broken I am." He pretended to grab his chest and you and Tony stood up. His head was resting on the top of yours, he must have fallen asleep too. Rumlow held up a gun and pointed it in your direction, "Stark, if you move I shot without hesitation." He walked over to the table where your design was and looked down. He analyzed the pieces and you let out a slow breath. You knew at this stage he wouldn't be able to determine what was being done but you never wanted to let your guard down. "Where is the design print?"

"Excuse me?" You responded.

"The design.." He looked at you the gun still pointing, " You must have drawn the blue print at some point."

"No, Rumlow." You never would have drew a design because that meant that only one person would be needed to complete it.

He walked over to you getting close to your face. Tony stood as close as he could to you but knew that he understood he be unable able to intervene. Rumlow pushed the gun into your chest, " I want a design by tonight and if I don't have it..." He moved from your chest to your head and you began to sweat. He then traced your face with the end of the gun and placed it under your chin causing you to look up at him. You knew he could see the fear in your eyes no matter how hard you tried to hide it. "It's such a shame you were only a pawn." He got close to your face, "You really are beautiful."

You could hurl at the words flowing off his lips and the way he looked at you with such lust. "fuck you."" You said nervously and although you knew you should have kept your mouth shut you couldn't let him feel he had any more power over you then he already did. He smirked turned away and came back and hit you with the butt of the gun across your head. When you hit the ground he spit on you and turned the gun to Tony, "Keep your bitch in line." He walked over to the door and down at you, "I want the design by tonight." the door slammed behind him.

Tony knelt down, "Are you dumb?" He helped you up, "Honestly!? Does common sense escape you?" You felt dizzy but with Tony's help stood up and made your way to the table. "I couldn't let him feel he has anymore power over me."

Tony laughed and gestured around, "Because he doesn't already know?"

You shook your head, and looked at the start of your project. It was the start of a laser beam designed to look like the start of the Iron Man arm. You thought you were being so cleaver but now needing a design.. there was no escaping it. After you give the design you are dead and possibly Tony too. He put his hand on your back as you were using your arms propped against the table and looked at him when he came to your side. "I am not going to give it.."

He looked at you and just nodded. He knew that it wouldn't matter either way there was nothing that can be done to save you both.

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