Much Like Him*

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On Friday morning Lennon was met with a surprise when she found her grandfather waiting for her down the stairs. "Papa Mio!" She squealed, running down the steps and leaping into his arms, the older man chuckling. "Ollie didn't tell me you were coming!"

"That's because I wanted it to be a surprise." Emilio revealed. "Now, let me get a good look at you. My god, you're more beautiful than the last time I saw you. You're practically a young woman now."

Lennon giggled. "Abuelo, it's only been 3 months since you last saw me."

"And that has been too long to be away from my granddaughter. Now how about I make it up to you and spoil you rotten today, hmm? We'll go visit your papá, have lunch and do a little shopping? How does that sound? Oliver and Dinah left for work but I made them promise to come home early so we can have dinner together.."

Lennon clapped in excitement. "Just give me 10 minutes to get ready!"


Three Musketeers

Glinda The Good Bitch
Srry guys, won't be able to make it today 😣

Flash Boy
What? Why?

Wonder Bread

Flash Boy
You're going to miss our first official team up!

Glinda The Good Bitch
Not really a team up without Miss M and SB..

Flash Boy
So not the point

Wonder Bread
Wally is just upset because he won't be able to see your face today 🤣🤣🤣

Glinda The Good Bitch
Dick, what are you talking about?

Flash Boy
Nothing! He's just being stupid.
So why can't you come with us?
Better be a good reason.
You're not ditching us for Supey are you?

Wonder Bread
If I didn't know better the Wall-Man sounds jealous

Flash Boy
Shut up Rob!

Glinda The Good Bitch sent an attachment

Flash Boy
Dude no way 😩
Your grandpa's back?

Wonder Bread
Alright you're excused

Glinda The Good Bitch
Thanks guys
Said he'll make it up to you both
Love you 😘😘😘😘


"Papa Mio, hurry!" Lennon giggled practically dragging her grandfather.

"Mijita, slow down!" The older man laughed. "You're going to make me drop the flowers." After arriving at Star City Memorial, Emilio and Lennon first went to visit her grandmother Sophia. A loving mother and devoted wife and unfortunately a woman the brunette never got to meet, she had died a few years prior to Lennon's birth. After some time the pair made their way to Andrés. The moment they arrived Emilio handed Lennon the bouquet of flowers Dinah had helped them prepare. A beautiful variety for such a beautiful soul and all neatly tied together with a blue ribbon. Making sure that no one was watching, Lennon with a single hand motion cleaned up her father's grave spot before carefully placing the flowers. Kissing the top of his gravestone and whispering a small hi Lennon stepped back until she was beside her grandfather, the man placing an arm around her shoulders..

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