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Magíca stood next to KF as the team watched the monitors as one by one League members were disintegrated by an unknown alien race

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Magíca stood next to KF as the team watched the monitors as one by one League members were disintegrated by an unknown alien race. First it was the Lanterns, then Superman and Martian Manhunter, followed by Captain Adam and Captain Marvel, and lastly Batman. Magíca watched emotionlessly as Red Tornado switched off the monitor in order to answer an incoming transmission from Zatara. It's okay. She assured herself. It's not real. They're safe.

After ending the call with Zatara, Red Tornado turned to the team. "I must join the League. We will protect the planet at all costs. But should we fail, the responsibility falls to you."

"We stand ready." Aqualad confidently said.

After Tornado left the team turned the monitor and watched another news report. "This is Iris West-Allen, reporting live. The extra-terrestrials have brought their relentless global attack to Central City." From behind people were yelling, disintegrating and running for their lives, buildings were caught on fire and were being destroyed, yet Iris stayed calm and collected as she continued to report the news until she and her cameraman were taken to safety by Flash and Zatara.

"You should both be safe here, at least for now." Zatara assured.

Iris looked over at her husband and even though Magíca wasn't anywhere near the woman she knew she was scared for her husband. "Thank you, Flash.." Iris stuttered out, nearly calling him by his real name. "And Zatara." Seeing the two League members leave Iris then turned to her cameraman. "Denny, you okay?" Receiving a thumbs up from the man. "As you can see, the Justice League is attempting to hold the line." Then that's when it happened, Flash and Zatara disintegrated right in front of Iris, leaving the woman in shock. "No."

The redheaded woman was too in shock to notice an attack heading her way. "Iris. Iris, get out of there!" Cat yelled before the station lost signal and it was more than likely Iris and Denny were dead. "I'm sorry, we're experiencing technical difficulties from our Central City feed. We take you now to a devastated Taipei. Another League contingent is having more luck." Taipei was in worse conditions than Central City, nearly in ruins as Magíca watched Green Arrow, Black Canary and the Hawks fight off the aliens. She knew they weren't really in danger, Magíca couldn't help but grab KF's hand and squeeze it, the boy squeezed back assuring her everything was going to be okay. The brunette watched as her parents disintegrated along with the Hawks. They're okay. Dad and Dinah are okay. The brunette assured herself. This isn't real. None of this is real. Though the clench in her heart felt real.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we've lost Black Canary, Green Arrow and the Hawks. Other heroes reported dead or missing include Batman, Icon, Atom and Aquaman."

M's breathing began to grow faster. They're okay. Everyone is okay.

"Red Tornado to Cave. I fear I am all that remains of the League." And then before the team knew it Tornado was gone. The last surviving member of the League was dead.

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