Usual Suspects*

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"The League was formed for two reasons

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"The League was formed for two reasons. First, as an acknowledgement that no single individual, no matter how powerful, can solve all the world's problems alone. And second, to uphold the values of truth, liberty and justice. That, uh, last one's even in the name."

Lennon along with her teammates watched the news from inside the Hall of Justice as Superman made his speech, inducting the new members to the League. The young witch discreetly held Wally's hand as the redhead munched away on an apple, the boy still feeling butterflies in his stomach everytime he felt their fingers interlocked. After finally admitting their feelings for one another and making out for what hours, the two eventually talked about everything that had put a slight wedge between them with the two teens agreeing that they had both severely fucked up.

Though Lennon had yet to decide whether she and Wally were officially ready to date, deep down she already knew the answer; it was just a matter of time before she told him. They had also come to the agreement to keep whatever they were a secret for now considering they weren't really official and they didn't want the pressure or excitement of their friends to affect Lennon's decision, though Robin had figured it out that something was going on between them when they had gone to see his and the team's last performance as the Dangers. Plus he may or may not have hacked the surveillance cameras when they arrived back at the cave.

"These five heroes have sworn to uphold those values." Superman announced from the live broadcast.

"You are watching live coverage of the Justice League's induction of its five newest members." News Reporter Cat Grant said from the screen. "Looks like the entire League has shown up to welcome the new blood. Everyone from Batman to Captain Marvel."

"I'm glad they didn't kick Billy out." Wally commented, taking a bite out of his apple. "And I love the fact there's a 10 year old on the League."

"There is?" Rocket, Icon's protégé and the Team's newest member asked.

"Wallace!" Lennon hissed, before smacking her... Boyfriend? Friends with benefits? Super best friend? On the arm.

"Ow." The redhead cried out. "Len what the hell!" Rubbing his head while Lennon continued to chastise him for opening his mouth.

"Way to keep a secret, genius." Robin commented. Kaldur had shook his head as well and sent Wally a disapproving look. First he accidentally blabbed about the WatchTower to the team and now this.

"Hey, she's on the Team now, right?" Wally reasoned, making Lennon roll her eyes.

"Doesn't mean you should be blabbing a League's secret identity, Kid Mouth." The brunette snarked.

"Superman is now handing out official League membership cards starting with Doctor Fate. Zatanna sadly looked away prompting Robin to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. Lennon, who had been getting lessons with the sorcerer, hadn't told her friend yet that whenever she had a chance she would make jabs at Nabu and update Zatara on how his daughter was doing, hoping that the former hero could hear her. "The Atom, Plastic Man and Icon."

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