Truth Seekers

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A/N: Credit to Renowned Wolf, who was a huge help with this chapter.

Scene opens on a dark room with several monitors showcasing the events of past episodes and chapters being watched by two bumbling government agents only referred to as Agent 1 and Agent 2.

Agent 1 is a Caucasian male with Brown hair and side burns.

Agent 1 is a Caucasian male with Brown hair and side burns

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Agent 2 is a dark-skinned female with Blonde hair

Agent 2 is a dark-skinned female with Blonde hair

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They pause on a frame of Blitzo in front of horses with a derpy expression on his face.

Agent 1: Right there. That was the first sighting.

Agent 2: They are definitely from Hell. They must use this dark magic to cross over into our world... and they seem to be killing specifically-targeted people, but why?

Agent 1: They always attack at random, all over the country. There's no way to predict where they'll show up next.

He notices Agent 2 looking at a freeze-frame of you in your demon form.

Agent 1: What's wrong?

Agent 2: I can't place it...but that guy looks familiar to me.

A loud clattering noise is heard from outside, followed by an angry cat sound. The two agents immediately glance over to a hole in the wall that is covered with small wood planks. Forming a little peek hole to the outside. They then see the source of all the racket, Blitzo outside on top of some trash bags and dumpsters looking around.

Agent 2: Ah, well. That's convenient.

Blitzo: Remember, we can't be seen.

He falls into a trashcan, making another racket.

Y/N: You're the only one making noise, shithead.

Blitzo points at you with a used condom on his finger, causing you to recoil in disgust.

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