chapter 4~doubting your potential

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i wake up shivering in my bed, it's probably at most 40 degrees in this room right now. i look around the room and notice i never closed the window ryan opened. i run over to shut it then throw on a sweatshirt with my gym's logo on it, leaving me in my panties and the oversized sweatshirt. i plan on unpacking tomorrow afternoon since i was too tired when i got here to do so and definitely too tired to do it now. 

the realization that i hardly pissed that whole plane and car ride hits me; i begin to run to the bathroom then stop, clueless on which door leads to it. i open the door to the room next to mine only to find johnny sprawled out on his bed asleep. i immediately shut it, making sure not to be too loud but fail.

"what the fu-" i hear johnny murmur in the room.

i just stand outside his room, ready to ask him where the bathroom is once he investigates the sound. he opens his door quickly and jumps a little at my presence.

"jesus christ you scared me" he sighs.

"i didn't know where the bathroom was" i innocently inform him.

he takes a quick look to check me out and that's when it hits me that i'm in my panties.

"it's the second door on the right, nice pjs cali" he quietly says.

i can hear the smirk in his voice.

"whatever p.j" i say, rolling my eyes.

i walk over to the bathroom as i feel his eyes practically burn into my ass. after i shut myself in and lock the door i'm surprised the bathrooms not that dirty. i do my business and quickly go back to sleep in my now warmer room.


i wake up to the distant sound of yelling inside of the house and the sun beaming in my face through a window; oh yeah i'm in johnny's house.

i get up and open my backpack that was my carry-on item and pull out a pair of red flannel sweatpants and a black tank top. i throw my hair up into a messy bun then make my way towards the bathroom to brush my teeth. after i lock the bathroom door i look in the mirror at my gross drool stained chin and my swollen sleepy eyes. i brush my teeth and splash some water on my face, preparing to surround myself with jackasses all day.

i walk down the staircase to find ryan and chris watching something on mtv while johnny and bam are talking in the kitchen.

"hey guys" i say to everyone.

"morning cali" bam and ryan say in unison.

i walk into the kitchen and lean on the countertop deciding to intrude on johnny and bam's conversation.

"so what's the plan today" i smile at the both of them.

"we're all gonna shoot a few bits around hollywood with preston and wee-man" johnny tells me.

"sounds fun, what do you got to eat?" i ask johnny as i make my way towards the fridge.

i bend down to the fridges level to open it and see absolutely nothing except milk, a bag of salad mix, and some orange juice.

"nice tattoo cali" johnny chuckles lightly.

i turn around to face him and reach to feel the 'fuck' tattoo on the back of my neck. i smile at him and light-heartily roll my eyes.

"have you ever eaten at home?" i joke to johnny, referring his fridge's emptiness.

"you just caught me at a bad time" johnny smiles as bam chuckles at him.

fuck you p.j~a johnny knoxville/jackass fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now