chapter 15~elephants & gators

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i wake up, feeling an aching pain in my leg then remember everything that happened yesterday. i cut my leg open and sprained my ankle on the slip n' slide; then i went to the hospital to get stitches and kissed johnny. holy shit i actually kissed johnny. i reminisce how passionate and soft the kiss was, making myself blush. how the hell should i act around johnny now? do i flirt more or act the same as usual? i'll just go by the way he acts towards me.

i get up and hop to my closet on my right leg; where the fuck are my crutches? i walk out of my room, looking around everywhere for them.

"woah what the hell happened?" i hear steve-o ask behind me.

"i cut my leg open then sprained my leg on the slip and slide yesterday" i turn around, telling him.

"that's fucking gnarly..nice outfit by the way" he responds, looking me up and down.

i'm only wearing bam's oversized sweatshirt with a pair of pink lace panties.

"whatever -o" i roll my eyes at him.

i pull the sweatshirt down in attempt to cover my thighs more then knock on johnny's door. he opens it up, obviously very tired.

"where are my crutches?" i ask him.

"shit they're in the car" he responds as he starts to jog to his car.

he comes back inside with my crutches, immediately helping me on them.

"how do i even take a shower with this thing" i ask, referring to my bandages.

"i can always help" johnny smirks to me as he looks me up and down.

since i was leaning on my crutches, the sweatshirt rode up to my lower stomach and clearly showed my panties. i blush and hit his leg with one of my crutches, resulting in him smiling.

"want some breakfast after your shower?" he asks me.

"i'm not hungry, thanks" i reply as i walk towards the bathroom.

i could feel johnny's eyes practically burn into my ass as i walk away. i take a shower by just propping my left leg up on the tub so it doesn't get wet as i clean the rest of my body. i get out and walk to my room with a towel wrapped around me.

i throw on a white 'miller high life' crop top and some very ripped black jean shorts then apply eyebrow product, quite a bit of eyeliner, and some mascara. i grab my crutches and head downstairs towards the smell of bacon, eggs, and burnt toast.

"how's your leg cali?" ryan asks me immediately as i limp towards the dining table.

"hurts like shit, stitches all up along it AND a sprained ankle" i tell him as all of the guys wince at my injuries.

"that was really fun though, best way to spend the end of summer" chris smiles at me.

wow it really was the end of summer; we've been filming for at least a month now and september is just around the corner. bam sets down a plate full of eggs, bacon, and slightly burnt toast in front of me.

"i'm not hungry bam i-"

"yeah well the only thing you've eaten in the past couple days was that ice cream last night so eat up fucker" bam orders me.

everyone turns to look at me and i roll my eyes to cover my embarrassment from being called out. i pick at the food, eating all of my eggs and a little bit of toast.

"can i have that bacon cali?" ryan asks from behind me, holding both of my shoulders.

i nod my head and smile then johnny turns to me dramatically.

fuck you p.j~a johnny knoxville/jackass fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now