chapter 10~out of character

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after about 25 minutes of listing to 'misfits', 'johnny cash', and 'blink-182' we arrive to the nearest mall. i get out of johnny's impressive 1970 black cadillac and patiently wait for him to lock his car up.

"alright, where's our first stop?" johnny asks, smiling at me.

"sephora and it should be our only stop, i don't want you spending too much on me" i tell him.

"we'll see about that" he smirks at me as he bumps his arm into my shoulder.

i seriously feel guilty about people spending their money on me but johnny IS fairly wealthy and famous so that fact makes me feel a bit better. we walk into the front doors and the A.C running through the building cools my skin from the california heat.

"it feels like it's been years since i was last in a mall" johnny sighs as he looks around.

"so what, back when this mall was being built in the 60s?" i joke to him.

"oh come on cali, i'm only 8 years older than you" johnny chuckles.

"then don't treat me like a kid all the time" i taunt to him with a smile.

"i don't treat you like a kid, i treat you with care. how's it feel being surrounded by boys older than you anyway?" he asks me.

"i prefer being with older guys rather than guys my age so i feel fine about it i guess" i innocently respond.

"hmm, i'll keep that preference in mind" johnny smirks as my response processes through his dirty mind.

i laugh and roll my eyes then we end up in front of sephora; we walk in and he basically tells me to buy anything i want. of course i'm not gonna go on a spending spree so i just buy the necessities. i put a few eye products, lip glosses, a concealer, and a highlighter in a shopping bag then go to the checkout line within 15 quick minutes.

"seriously? that's all you're gonna buy" johnny asks me as the cashier rings up the items.

"i really don't need much" i reply to him with a small smile.

"we're going to a few stores after this then" he responds as he pulls his card out.

"you're lucky to have a boyfriend that spoils you, my boyfriend got me a $6 necklace for my birthday last week and that was it" the cashier info dumps on me.

"well he's not my-...yeah i am lucky i guess" i smile at her then at johnny.

johnny has an amused yet confused look on his face at my response. he pays for the makeup which came to a total of $120 then we walk out of the store as he holds back a smile.

"what?" i ask him, curious of what he finds so funny.

"i thought you didn't like being called my girl" johnny replies, his cheeks turning light pink.

"just wanted to do you a favor since you're buying me stuff" i cockily smirk at him.

johnny laughs a little as he shakes his head down at the ground.

"dude that's johnny knoxville" i hear a guy's voice say behind us.

i look back and there's a group of teenage boys holding skateboards along with a blonde girl, adjusting her cleavage placement in her bra.

"oh my god, i'm a huge fan johnny, you're so hot!" she says in a high pitched voice, running towards us.

i see johnny awkwardly smile at her as the boys walk up and bombard him with questions; i give her a slightly disgusted look, making sure she sees it.

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