chapter 11~this is war

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(trigger warning: mention of s.a at end of chapter)


i wake up in my bed which startled me, considering i last remember falling asleep on the couch. i hear everyone talking loudly downstairs and check my nokia phone for the time. holy shit i woke up late, it's almost 1 pm; i'm pretty damn surprised the boys haven't attempted to prank me.

i get up and decide to get dressed for the bit today, assuming we'll be leaving shortly. i hear the front door open and the guys' voices raise as they welcome someone into the house. i grab my black sports bra and some matching black lace panties; suddenly my door begins to open.

"hey cali wake up, there's someone i want you to mee-"

"fuck johnny can't you knock!" i yell, covering myself.

he stares at me for a few seconds, starstruck then leaves in a hurry. i walk over to the door and shut it fully, trying to get what just happened out of my mind so i'm not distracted today. i put on my pink and black muay thai shorts and throw a grey 'CKY' sweatshirt along with some black sweatpants as a cover up. i do my eyebrows and put on some light mascara, tying my hair up into a ponytail afterwards.

i jog downstairs and the living room is full of people; jeff, lance, and a couple other guys who i feel like i recognize are gathered around the living room.

"cali! meet wee-man and ehren mcghehey" bam introduces me to two men.

"i'm calissa, it's nice to officially meet you" i widely smile at them, shaking both of their hands.

"so we hear you're gonna kick steve-o's ass today" ehren chuckles.

"that you are right about" i smile at him as i scan the room for steve-o.

i see him talking to jeff and lance, showing very nervous body language.

"alright guys are we ready to roll?" johnny yells to everyone in the room.

everyone yells in agreement and they start getting in their cars. i'm riding with johnny, bam, and chris who's 'interviewing' me about steve-o and i's fight.

"so cali, how confident are you about today's fight?" chris asks me with a camera in my face.

"i feel pretty confident ya know, he's been pissing me off the past few days so i have a lot of pent up anger he's gonna have to deal with" i smirk at the camera.

the guys all 'oooo' at my response and we continue driving, talking about my game strategy.


we finally arrive at a gym labeled 'south beach martial arts' then head inside, meeting steve-o, lance, ehren, ryan, and wee man.

the gym owner walks up to me and starts small talk about my fight career as the crew sets the scene up. i see chris come out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a hot pink thong, holding up a few round cards. i laugh at the sight and walk towards the boxing ring with johnny, chris, and steve-o.

before i enter the ring i take off my sweatshirt and sweatpants, leaving me in my sports bra and muay thai shorts. i catch johnny stealing long glances at my chest as i strap on my gloves and shin pads, resulting in me rolling my eyes with a smile. lance starts recording as i enter the ring and stand next to johnny.

"today we have the beautiful calissa 'killer' margera with us, who is also our newest jackass member. she holds the flyweight muay thai U.S championship and is known for winning her fights within only the first round. as shown recently, steve-o has been pissing her off the past couple of days and cali has just about had enough" johnny smirks to the camera.

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