chapter 8~honesty is a virtue

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trigger warning: mention of alcohol


there was a small debate between johnny and i at the beginning of the ride home but chris shut it down quickly by turning the music up high for the rest of the car ride. steve-o is staying with us for a couple of nights due to his roommate locking him out of his apartment when he left for vacation this this morning.

we get home and i'm the first one out of the car; i wait for johnny to unlock the front door and head straight for the bathroom. as i do my business i hear everyone downstairs talking loudly about staying up tonight. i actually feel in the mood to stay up and get to know the guys better.

i get out of the bathroom and change into a grey pair of sweatpants and a black south park tank top. i brush through my hair and wipe my whole face with a cleansing wet wipe, avoiding my eye makeup since i feel uncomfortable about the thought of not wearing makeup right now. 

i jog downstairs and see a few cases of miller high life and a small bottle of tequila sitting on the kitchen counter.

"i'm staying up with you guys tonight, are we drinking?" i ask them with an excited smile.

"WE'RE drinking, not you cali" johnny tells me.

"whatt come on, don't be so greedy" i groan.

"you're not 21 kid, gotta wait one more year" johnny says.

"oh come on johnny! stop acting like you give a fuck!" steve-o says.

"cali can handle her alcohol, she's fine p.j" bam tells johnny.

"alright alright" johnny says chuckling.

i take a bottle from the case and open it with my teeth; a party trick i learned when i was 15. i sit on the couch between bam and steve-o and slowly sip my beer as the rest of the guys are already a couple drinks in.

soon enough i'm three beers in while the rest of the crew are borderline drunk. everyone is taking stupid little dares and hurting themselves a bit which amuses me.

"cali i dare you to take a double shot of tequila and if you make a face then you have to take a shot of toilet water" chris slurs, sitting on the other couch beside me with ryan and johnny.

"not piss toilet water right?" i ask, chuckling.

"we'll decide based on how bad you fail this dare" chris laughs, making everyone else laugh.

i go to the kitchen to grab the bottle of tequila and a whiskey glass then come back to the living room. i place everything down on the coffee table and start putting about 4 counts of tequila into the glass.

"woah calissa that's barely two" steve-o slurs.

"seriously?!" i say to him shocked.

"go at least a little easy on her" johnny laughs.

"if i take a bigger 'shot' can i make a face without drinking toilet water?" i ask chris.

he cheesily strokes his chin with two fingers, making a decision in his head.

"sure but it has to be twice that much" he says, pointing to the glass.

the three beers i had are giving me a small amount of courage for this shot. i smirk at chris and take a deep breath as i fill the whiskey glass full.

"everyone better take at least one shot after this" i laugh.

i brace myself as everyone sits on the edges of their seats, watching me intently. i take about three big gulps of the tequila, imagining it as a glass of water. my throat begins to burn and i slam the empty glass down on the wooden coffee table, stomping my feet on the ground.

fuck you p.j~a johnny knoxville/jackass fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now