chapter 18~the day after yesterday

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i wake up in my bed with sore ribs and drool dried on my chin; last night was rough. i sit up in my bed and allow my eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight beaming in my room, what time is it? i look over to my nokia phone that had a new crack on the screen, seeing it was 11am which pathetically was an improvement to my sleeping pattern. i go to my closet and throw on a pair of black spandex shorts and a 'CKY' tee shirt then brush my hair, preparing to go downstairs.

chris and steveo are obviously hung over, leaning on the kitchen counter as they eat cereal together; there was no sign of anyone else being awake.

"good morning boys" i happily say to them.

they both look up at me with tired eyes and sluggish smiles. i go over to the fridge and bend down to the lower shelf to grab some orange juice.

"god your ass is nice" steve-o says.

i turn around and take a minute to decide how i'll react.

"thanks -o" i smirk to him.

steve-o looks almost surprised at my response while chris has an 'i know what you're doing' look displayed on his face. i pour myself a glass of orange juice and watch bam skip down the stairs, radiating happiness. he comes towards me and messes with the top of my hair before he grabs a water bottle.

"why're you so happy bam" steve-o chuckles.

"i have a date!" he chirps.

"with who? that girl you were messing with last night?" i smile at him.

"shut it, i know about you and tony by the way. her name is vylette, sounds hot right?" he smirks.

"hell yeah dude" steve-o replies, taking a bite of his cereal.

"wait you slept with tony?" chris asks me.

just in comedic timing, johnny walks down right as that phrase leaves chris' mouth.

"i didn't sleep with him but he has my number to do so" i smirk while looking down.

"you're not allowed to fuck tony" bam says, smacking the side of my head.

"i'm a free woman bam bam" i reply in attempt to taunt johnny who was in the room.

the room grows silent for an uncomfortably long amount of time until bam interrupts it with a loud single clap.

"well i'm off to hopefully get laid, see you later fuckers" bam smiles.

he gives me a quick kiss on the top of my head and walks out of the house, leaving the rooms atmosphere even more awkward than before.

"so what are we doing today?" chris asks everyone.

"let's get cali to do some more stunts since she's healed up; she's down for anything, aren't you baby" steve-o says to me.

i blush as i look away from him, johnny's tense face catching my attention.

"my ribs are sore as shit, bam had me skate drunk last night. i could go for some more pain though" i laugh.

"how about you rest if your hurt" johnny says to me.

"how about i don't" i sarcastically remark, not giving him any further attention.

"i'm gonna get ready, let's go to the beach!" i exclaim towards chris and steve-o.

i run to my room and get dressed in my light pink bikini with black skulls all over it then throw on some distressed black shorts. i apply mascara, eyebrow product, and eyeliner underneath my eyes. i search my closet for bam's sweatshirt only to remember i gave it back to him already. i fail attempting to break into his room because his doors locked.

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