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A low grunt escaped from the students who were helping their lecturer to carry a few stacks of papers to the staff room. None of them ever exchanging words as they climbed down the stairs together.

"Mr Woo shouldn't have told us to carry those heavy papers! I almost break my arms!" One of them complained while the rest only nodded in agreement.

Soon when they reached the ground, most of them were about to take their leave. They were saying goodbyes to each other until a voice interrupted them.

"Oh wait, Park Jimin!" The taller called which had caused Jimin to turned around in order to look at him properly.

He arched an eyebrow to assure him to continue, not wanting to waste his time and got no change to have lunch along with Taehyung just like promised.

"I'm curious, I heard you're close with Taehyung so I assumed, do you like Jungkook?" His classmate asked.

The others immediately payed attention to both of them, feeling curious about what will Jimin answer. Just by looking at his facial expression, the omega does not expecting this question to be thrown at him.

"Jo Junsung, what do you mean? Taehyung is kind, that's why I be friend with him," Jimin spoke with confusion.

"Yeah, as you said, Taehyung is kind, and a lot students want to be close to him in order to get Jungkook and Taehyung already know about this, in fact he already accepted the way others act nice to him just to get Jungkook, I think maybe he won't get disappointed if you hit on his best friend after using him—"

"I don't think I ever ask about your opinion and why would you downgrade Taehyung like that? Don't you think it's rude?" Jimin cut him off while frowning.

"Hey, I'm just stating facts! I mean look at you! You're pretty and I'm not surprised if he would catch feeling for you, he's so easy you know? At first he thought everyone really wanted to be his friend and then he got upset after they left him after Jungkook make it clear that they won't stand a chance with him," Junsoo explained.

"If someone with a good heart like him fall for me, I would probably accept him and what's wrong with that? Do you perhaps think that you have a chance with me?"

The others need to hold back their laughter. Most the them were avoiding eye contact with Junsoo who was burning with shame. For a moment, he felt humiliated by the small crowds and not to mention the way Jimin stared at him with anger had caused him to shiver.

"You know what? Your standard is shit because you picked Taehyung, at least I would feel defeated if you said you like Jungkook but Taehyung? Huh? That dude is so easy, he might fall for anyone in a blink of eyes, he's not like Jungkook, he got the fame because of his own best friend, it's not a big win for him," Junsoo did not think twice as he tried to hurt Jimin by assaulting his standard.

Being rejected in public was enough to hurt his pride and he would like to do the same thing, even when he was mad with himself for saying the stupid thing to his crush that will not get the chance to win against him.

"Are you done? You are acting a little too tall for your actual height right now so let me make this clear, you are comparing those two best friends yet do you ever look at yourself first? Taehyung is kind and he's humble, at least he wore an original Burberry shirt and not showing off the brand tag to everyone,"

His words hit Junsoo hard especially when Jimin was already looking at Junsoo's backpack. The male was indeed displaying the brand logo to everyone and this had caused his pride to get stepped on one more time.

"Is that even the right way to spell Coach?" Jimin asked innocently only to make Junsoo left all of them without a word, storming out while clenching his fists tightly.

"That's the energy that we want Jiminie!" A girl teasingly poke his arm as the others only smiled, totally enjoy to look at how devastated Junsoo just now.

"Yet you guys didn't back me up," Jimin huffed.

"Why should we interrupted you? You alone could make Junsoo almost pissed his pants and I prefer being an audience, silently support you from my view!"

They laughed for a good minutes before deciding to leave since they afraid the cafeteria will run out of food anytime. Jimin waved to the rest and took an opposite direction, walking alone as he checked his phone just in case he got messages from anyone.

However he stopped in the middle, Jimin swore that he heard footsteps from behind as if the person was following him. It could not be Junsoo, that's what Jimin told himself repeatedly as he decided to turn around.

There is standing Jeon Jungkook wearing his casual outfit and a black mask. He was the last person that Jimin ever wish to meet yet miracle decided to bump the two of them right in the middle of their university hallway.

"You're walking so slow midget," Jungkook purposely saying loud enough for Jimin to hear him.

"You're just an abnormal size of human," Jimin smiled innocently to the taller male and continued his track.

"What?" The taller asked but Jimin only played deaf.

Jungkook then sighed as he picked up his pace, casually walk next to Jimin. The shorter arched his eyebrows in confusion, wondering why would they walk together.

"I thought princess only play house but this one knows how to spit fire really well, I'm kinda amazed," Once again the taller male purposely mumbling his thought out loud enough for Jimin to hear him without any doubt.

Jimin then furrowed his eyebrows, afraid that he might misheard what the other male just saying. They were walking right close to each other, and Jimin stop walking. Without saying anything, he changed his direction to use the opposite way instead of walking with Jungkook.

He was about to speed up but someone pulled on the sleeve of his shirt which had caused him to stumble on his feet. Jimin gasped in surprise then frantically turned around only to face no other than Jeon Jungkook.

The shorter then groaned to show how much he was annoyed at the moment with Jungkook tailing him from behind. However, Jungkook ignored the glare that he received and pull Jimin along with him, basically dragging the poor omega like a sack of potato.

"What do you think you are doing?" Jimin snapped.

"Taehyung is waiting in lobby, why would you turn your direction away? Are you going to ditch him again?" Jungkook shut him with questions while maintaining eye contact with shorter male.

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