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"You make it!" Jimin yelled as soon as he straggled the poor omega who was stepping out from the principal office to take his class schedule of the semester.

"Yoongi, what's your first class?" The same omega asked between his heavy breath, his wide smile didn't fade from his face as he peeked over the schedule.

The taller finally take a proper look on the paper in his hold and his eyes landed on the first subject that he required to attend this morning.

"Aww, you're not saving a seat for me anymore!" A voice belongs to no other than Kim Taehyung came from the edge of the table while faking the disappointment look on his handsome sculpted face. Jimin only his rolled eyes and says, "Pass me the book bag you idiot," Taehyung only laughed before he took a seat.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that Jungkook will attend classes today so I hope you're okay." The male spoke.

Even though the soothing smile was plastered on his handsome face, it didn't enough to ease the weird tension down in his stomach. Jimin could feel his gut churned in a bad way just like in the previous day and according to him, it's not a good thing to be proud of.

"Jimin, what's wrong? You don't look good." Yoongi muttered with his voice laced with pure concern.

"You're blocking me." A harsh voice had effortlessly gained their attention and caused the three of them to turn their way only to look at the owner of the voice.

"Good morning to you too Jeon Jungkook!" Taehyung was the first one who broke the tension among them as he flashed a sheepish smile to the other male, moving forward in silence to let his friend to have an access to walk to the empty seat in between him and Jimin.

"Do you want some water?" Yoongi whispered, eyes not leaving the other omega that seemed uncomfortable.

However Jimin only shook his head and says, "It's okay, I just forgot what I wanted to say to you." Jimin made up an excuse with a smile plastered on his face.

During the lesson, Jimin could not make himself focus since there is a pair of eyes were burning a hole on the side of his head. Due to the overwhelming frustration, Jimin then shut a glare to the person who was sitting next to him who is no other than Jeon Jungkook.

To his surprise, Jungkook did not even flinch as he continued to lock eyes with him. Purposely staring deep into his eyes. His orbs were dark, could be as dark as his daily coffee but it's not the main point at the moment.

"Are you done?" Jungkook's voice sounded deep even though he only spoke under whisper behind his mask.

Jimin only rolled his eyes and return his attention to the lecturer at the front, silently scooted a bit further from the male as he continued to scribble anything that the lecture spoke at the front into his notebook.

"I'm not dating him for the god's sake!" Jimin declared to the group of friends who were circling his lunch table.

He was waiting for Taehyung at their usual lunch table but the male seemed to be late and Yoongi isn't with him at the moment which had caused the poor omega to grow even more frustrated. He never think that he'll grab so much attention from other students like this.

The rumors spread real quick after the incident of him walking along with Jeon Jungkook a few days ago. He doesn't expect everyone will take this serious.

"Well— he doesn't talk to anyone except for Kim Taehyung, how can you defend yourself this time Park Jimin?" Someone teased him with a playful grin.

"I don't know and I don't like him! Ask him instead!"

He snapped before leaving the cafe in annoyance , not sparing a glance to any of them. The hold on his bag strap got tightened as he walked to subway, waiting for his turn while plugging on his earphones and stood behind the yellow line just like others. It doesn't take longer than five minutes before the train arrives as he stepped in.

To his surprise, the train is packed of people.

Jimin kept on apologising whenever he accidentally bumped into someone when he walked passed them to grab a handle, preventing himself from crashing on anyone if the train speeds up later.

The first few minutes were alright despite of the fact that the train was too crowded to his liking but then Jimin felt a figure approaching and stood right behind him.

Their proximity was close enough for Jimin to feel his hot breath fanning against his exposed neck. Bullets of cold sweats began to form on his forehead as the omega could feel both of his hands had turned pale in a second.

The omega could not recognise the stranger when he took a quick glance over his shoulder, which makes Jimin became ten times anxious than before. Jimin managed to catch a sick smirk plastered on the unknown man's face from the corner of his eyes as the stranger moved even more closer, standing only a few millimetre away.

That's when Jimin started to feel a hand purposely brushed his back once, making his eyes almost popped out from the socket in surprise and immediately turned his head to the back to fully face the stranger. Looked like the warning did not enough to scare the man. Jimin took a quick decision to walk away, probably trying to find a seat to sit on only if he was lucky enough.

"Pretty." A whisper echoed his eardrums followed by a hand slowly landed flat on Jimin's waist.

It's a like flashback for the omega. The tip of his fingers tremble when he got trapped by a man which was bigger than him physically. His sickening smile remained still on his face while teasingly run his fingers up into Jimin's shirt, tracing over his soft skin.

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