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"Jimin, wait a second!"

The omega could tell, the voice belongs to no other than Kim Taehyung. He rushed over and stopped right in front of Jimin as he was slightly panting.

"Jungkook told me about yesterday, are you sure that you're okay?" The alpha genuinely concerned.

Jimin nodded his head in response. "I'm good."

The thought of Jeon Jungkook told his friend about him had caused the omega to roll his eyes. He probably says something bad about him behind his back and Jimin will not even feel surprised by that. He does not have any classes so he just casually share a conversation with the other male but unlike him, Taehyung got another class.

They finally exchanging goodbyes. Jimin only sighed once Taehyung had disappeared from his sight.

"He's really kind." Jimin muttered.

"What? You like Taehyung?" A voice startled him.

Jimin immediately recognised the owner of the voice as he shut a glare to Jeon Jungkook who was standing right next to him. The taller only arched an eyebrow at him, as if he tried to mock Jimin at the moment.

"As a friend, yes." Jimin admitted. "But more than that? I'd rather pass, my friend already likes him." He added.

"Your friend?" Jungkook asked. "Min Yoongi."

"Oh, Taehyung told me about him, are they lovers?"

Jimin only shrugged his shoulders. Seems like they already take a step forward in their friendship and it is a good thing. Jimin could picture them together and a smile unconsciously appear on his face.

"Keep on smiling like that and people who was passing by might think you're crazy." Jungkook said sarcastically.

"Oh, shut up!"

A loud thunder can be heard echoing the parking lot, it has been raining for a while and it doesn't seem to end any sooner. Jimin rubbed his cold palms together, trying to make his skin a bit warmer.

At this point, even umbrella won't enough to help him to get out of this situation. Jimin sighed for the tenth times.

No need to mention about his phone since it already died a while ago. Therefore he got no other choices other than waiting patiently. The omega walked around in circle, trying to kill the time but then a figure had caught his attention. Jeon Jungkook.

The male just came out from the exit door, probably heading to his car. He was rushing and Jimin assumed he might an important thing to be done. The omega immediately hiding behind a wall, not wanting to catch any attention before he scrunching down over the ground. He found a stick just next to his shoes as he picked it up and began to draw random circles on the floor.

"It's really you." A voice startled the poor omega.

Jimin then lifted his head up with a frown, already recognised the owner of the voice even before taking a properly look at the tall man stood before him.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook crossed his arms.

"I'm drawing." Jimin simply replied.

The alpha only rolled his eyes. He then take a look at Jimin and the first thing that caught his attention was his flushed red face up to his neck and ears.

Not to mention, the temperature outside had decreased a lot since morning so there will be a high chance of Jimin catch cold if he decided to stay outside any longer. Jungkook couldn't understand what has gotten into him but the thought of Jimin falling sick irritated him.

Let's just say, this is a pay back for informing Taehyung that he got fever the other day the cafeteria.

"Hey, you don't have transport right? Let me send you home then." Jungkook offered, eyes not leaving Jimin.

"I do have transport." Jimin argued without tearing his attention away from the floor.

A heavy sigh escaped from the taller who slumping along his buffed shoulders in process. He brought his hand up to massage his forehead, mentally preparing himself to deal with Jimin. The omega might give him headache later.

"Come on, you're freezing cold right now."

"I'm not." Jimin kept on denying.

"Oh, yeah?" Jungkook arched his eyebrow.

He refused to believe the omega as he bend a little to get a grasp of Jimin's hand, catching the omega off guard before Jungkook makes him stood properly on his feet. Jimin was beyond confusion, wide eyes looking at Jungkook as if waiting for any explanation from the other male but he only cupped his face into his large palms.

Now, Jimin got his soft cheeks squeezed in Jungkook's warm hands. He felt his lips were jutted out and forming a pout as he raised his eyebrows at the taller male.

"You're not freezing at all." Jungkook said in sarcasm.

"None of your business." The other male spoke despite of having his cheeks pressed together.

While Jimin was frowning, something else had caught Jungkook's attention which made his eyes trailing down Jimin's beautiful face down to his plump lips. The omega felt his breath stuck in his throat, once again his eyes widen in disbelief. No way Jungkook would kiss him.

He then placed his hands over Jungkook's, bringing the other male back to reality. As they finally locked their eyes together, Jimin poked his hands a couple of times, trying to give a hint to the other male to let him go.

However Jungkook didn't get the message and instead, he pulled Jimin's face closer to his face, teasingly leaving only a few millimetres apart. The taller male noticed the way Jimin widen his eyes to the tenth time in surprise and he couldn't help but to find it amusing.

"Let's go to my car before I kiss you right here."

"I hate you! I hate you so much!" Jimin groaned and stomped away the opposite direction of the other male.

"Wrong direction Jimin!" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

He ran after the omega. Jungkook had make sure that Jimin didn't disappear from his sight. He could not effort playing hide and seek when temperatures is below fifteen.

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