9. The White Desert

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Ingo would be unable to express his present feelings

When you hold him so tight with honest passion

"I'm so happy! You have no idea how happy I am!"

The relief on your face

Your smile

It is the first time he has met you, but why does he feel as if he has always known you?

And having you so close to him feels as if it is what he has always wished for.

Who are you?

He is ill-at-ease.

He cannot pretend that he knows you, for it would be a lie.

No matter how much he wants to delude himself.

Do I know you?

That dispirited look on your face

He wishes he could backtrack and pretend that he does in fact remember you.

"It's me, (Name)! You must remember me, right?"


Yes, Lady Irida informed me about you.

Such a beautiful name...

However, can I even pronounce these words out loud?

He is still in a daze when you grasp him by the coat, prompting his Lady Sneasler to attack you

Jolting him out of his reverie.

He steps in.

You must not be hurt

Especially because of him.

"Lady Sneasler, please quiet yourself! I am unharmed! Please, lay your eyes on me and hear what I say! I will acknowledge the fact that you were only willing to spare me from any damages. Please, Lady Sneasler, allow yourself to cooldown... "

His and Adaman's words seem to calm down the proud and protective Lady Sneasler.

"We need to talk. Right now. Irida, let's go inside. And call your warden in."

"I-Ingo, come in too!"

Lady Sneasler places a big paw on his shoulder and shakes her head.

"Sneee!", she is unwilling to let him go.

"I shall do as Lady Irida commands, my Lady. I will return apace."

Lady Sneasler growls but accepts.

He needs to know how you both are related to each other.

He wants to.

"(Name), we trust you will answer the following questions with honesty - do you know Ingo here?"

"Yes, I do."

"Where have you two met before?"

"At Gear Station, in Nimbasa City. Unova."

"What's your relationship to each other?"

"Ingo is... He... He... He's the friend I was looking for so desperately."


"What happened to Ingo when you were still in your original world?"

"W-we... we don't know! T-there was an accident at the station..."

The more this conversation progresses, the more unsettling it becomes.

Who on earth are you?

What does it mean?

Lambency (Ingo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now