Running Away

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Elizabeth's (normal) P.O.V

I'm running. I don't know what from, but I'm running. All I know is that I'm running.

My legs are pumping, faster and faster. Each breath follows in a steady rhythm as I find myself further and further away from where I had stopped. From where I'd realised that everyone was speaking the truth when they said that Meliodas was getting involved with the Demon schools once again. They weren't lying. They truly did care about me and my well-being. 

Meliodas wasn't who I thought he was. Clearly not because just now I'd heard what I needed to confirm it. To make my logic take over from my heart and now I was running. Running away. Running away like I always do instead of confronting things head on.

When will I ever learn?

"Elizabeth!" I hear his voice from not too far behind, but don't decide to let up. Instead I'm scrambling for ways to lose him in the crowd, or to even alert people. But no words or plans form as I continue running, my legs working before my foggy mind could even come up with a logical escape route. 

I'm running before I could even think about where I'm going. For all I know I could be heading in one large circle right back to the beginning. 

But I don't care. I never care as long as I'm running.

"Let me explain!"

I'm nearing the stairs now, the perfect escape route as I could take three at a time and probably be out of the building in a minute tops. I'd be able to lose Meliodas in a crowd and find a way to tackle this new issue. 

I don't know how yet, but I'm sure I'll find a way to do it. Even if it means agreeing with the Deity Society on eradicating the Demons schools. I'd rather that than have to face the reality of opposing Meliodas. I'm sure with enough convincing I can make myself find positives in the situation. I always look for the positives, after all. I was always labelled an optimist and maybe those skills will become useful now.

But doing that would be betraying, wouldn't it? I'd be betraying myself along with a lot of other people, and I couldn't do that. I could never do that. Betrayal is one of the worst pains you can bring.

My brain seems to stop with this realisation, taking a second to recollect itself before I plunge back into running. The motion keeps me in the moment, time seeming to be lost as my brain continues. 

Siding with the goddesses would be the same as doing what Meliodas is doing right now. I'd be hurting him (and a lot of others) the same way this is hurting me. I'm not aiming to do that. I had never aimed to do that. I had been close to, but I'm not aiming for it now. Seeing what the goddesses were really up to has caused me to see that it was wrong. Entirely wrong. 

So instead I'm looking for peace and a way to end this stupid feud without loss on either side. And to do that I'd have to refuse Ludociel's offer. I just have to refuse. Yes. I'll refuse to be on either side and stop this myself. Somehow I'll do that.

I know I can.

I was close to doing it before and this time I'll finish it all the way, even if some of my previous allies are gone. I can make new ones and I'm sure that I can trust someone I already know to help me. I'm pretty sure Jenna and Zaneri may be of assistance and maybe even Arthur and Elaine.

Yes, it's all coming together now and all I have to do is initiate it. However, to do that I have to cut all ties with anyone involved with the goddesses or demons. That includes Meliodas and perhaps even the Sins. They could be involved in this too and that would be a liability. I can't have either side knowing about my plans.

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