Chapter 28: A New Killer

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Henry's POV:

John and I looked around. I then decided to just tell him the truth. That was until I heard the door slam shut. We looked out the room confused. Then we saw her.

She glared directly at us. I sighed as I started to slowly approach the main area where she was. She was pissed.

She glared me and John up and down. "How could you.." She scowled. "Well, for starters, I did it out of grief. If the real Charlotte wouldn't have been killed, you would have never been made. You are nothing." She paused. John looked confused. I saw tears start to form in her eyes.

"Fine. I see how it is." She then ran straight toward John and shoved him to the ground. He let out a shriek of terror. I quickly grabbed her and threw her off him.

John crawled backwards as he looked at the wretched scene unfolding. She grabbed a knife from the kitchen and ran at me, raising it in the air. I quickly dodged it. She then stopped herself and ran back to me again. This time, I was too slow.

She raised the knife and shoved it directly into my chest.

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