changing the names

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Katniss added Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Rhodey, and Vision.

Katniss: I added the rest of the official avengers

Katniss: it is an AVENGERS gc after all

Katniss: they deserve to be in on the tea too

Black Widow: You've been hanging out with your children too much if you're saying that

Language: Tea is a drink, I do not understand what you are referencing.

Katniss: u never do

Katniss: i was waiting for Tony to add on and call u an idiot but since he's not responding I'll say it for him

Katniss: idiot

Bucky Barnes: ur not wrong

Language: How do you understand this text talk, Bucky?

Sam Wilson: enough w/ the proper grammar it's killing me

Bucky Barnes: I spent quite a long time with Shuri, she taught me quite a few things

Jolly Green: I will say she's a very intelligent girl

Sam Wilson: she even surpasses Tony

Sam Wilson: damn I thought that would summon him

Rhodey: nah, haven't heard from Tony for awhile

Rhodey: pepper said he mentioned something about needing new friends and disappeared

Rhodey: I assume one of u guys did smth

Pietro Maximoff: that's mean

Pietro Maximoff: immediately going to blame someone else, u hurt my feelings

Wanda Maximoff: don't be stupid Pietro u know he didn't mean u

Pietro Maximoff: ouch

Sparkles: I would love to talk more with this shuri I hope that she can teach me everything I need to know about phones

Jolly Green: I was literally teaching you for five hours last night......

Pietro Maximoff: he prolly got bored halfway thru, I know I would've

Vision: If u do not mind my asking, what is this group chat for?

Black Widow: Steve created it so that we could contact each other easier if we ever face another threat like Thanos

Black Widow: But you know the team, it was impossible for it to not dissolve into absolute chaos immediately

Bucky Barnes: sounds like the idiot, he never thinks anything thru

Language: Did I do something that bothered you?

Pietro Maximoff: exist

Wanda Maximoff kicked Pietro Maximoff from the chat

Wanda Maximoff: thank god we were all given admin privileges

Wanda Maximoff: I'm sorry he's annoying and I can't control him

Katniss: boo, he was funny

Katniss added Pietro Maximoff to the chat

Pietro Maximoff: f u wanda

Wanda Maximoff: rude

Wanda Maximoff changed Pietro Maximoff's name to Nuisance

Nuisance: I hate u

Nuisance changed Wanda Maximoff's name to 12 minutes younger

12 minutes younger: u could've just changed ur name back if it bothered u so much

Nuisance: ik but this brings me more joy

Sparkles: I wish to be in on the fun of changing names

Jolly Green: I taught you that last night, remember?

Sparkles: Oh yes, I do

Sparkles changed Vision's name to Red man with cape

Sparkles changed Sam Wilson's name to Wings

Sparkles changed Bucky Barnes's name to Metal arm

Sparkles changed Rhodey's name to Tin man 2

Tin man 2: u just had to be nice and help him bruce

Jolly Green: He was struggling, I felt bad. Everyone else was laughing at him

Sparkles: it is true loki laughed very loudly and then he told valkyrie and they were both in hysterics

Nuisance: it's fun to laugh at a siblings pain

12 minutes younger: yeah, I do it all the time

Wings: I can really feel the love u 2 have for each other

Metal arm: really, this is all u could come up with

Sparkles: I do not know you very well and for that I apologize

Metal arm: whatever

Wings: just change it

Wings: or better yet, I'll do it for u

Wings changed Metal arm's name to Stupid

Stupid: I don't understand how u have friends

Language: Sam, Bucky, both of you are not being very nice.

Katniss: my god, Steve, they aren't in kindergarten

Black Widow: I mean, if we compare Sam's age to Steve's he might as well be

Nuisance: ha she called u an old man

Language: Pietro, I did not ask.

Nuisance: well, we're in a conversation, wasn't going to just be silent

12 minutes younger: omg

12 minutes younger: u guys see what I had to put up with

Red man with cape: I am sure that everyone here is just making jokes. I believe that none of us would any wish any actual harm, whether it be verbal or physical, to another.

Sparkles: loki just stabbed me I wish he was in pain

Stupid: get ur brother some help

Wings: speak for urself

Stupid: shut up birdman 2.0

Stupid: Hawkeye was first

Katniss: how did I get dragged into this

Nuisance: u were being too quiet

Black Widow: Bruce and I have been rather quiet too

Katniss: Bruce can turn into a giant green monster and ur u

Katniss: no one is going to mess with either of u guys

Black Widow: Good

Sparkles: loki and Val are laughing at me again :(

Sparkles: Haha I am triumphant in using the sad face

Sparkles: :) now I am happy

Sparkles: :l I have become indifferent

Sparkles: and I have come to the realization that I am an idiot

Katniss: took u long enough

Tin man 2: agreed

Sparkles: :(

Sparkles: loki had stolen my phone for that last text

Katniss: oops

Katniss: gtg

Tin man 2: yeah I'd rather not be murdered by a norse God

Jolly Green: Two Norse gods, Loki doesn't like it when people are mean to Thor

Wings: he stabs him 24/7?!?!?!

Nuisance: nah I get it

Nuisance: only I'm allowed to be mean to my siblings

12 minutes younger: exactly

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