press conference

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The Avengers Groupchat

Steve: Okay so I'm going to add the interviewer to the chat in a few minutes and they have a bunch of questions that the public would like to ask us since we couldn't do one in person

Steve: They're going to publish it on our official Avengers Website

Steve: And now I'm realizing how unprofessional our names our

Quicksilver: these r unprofessional?

Thumbelina: we have a website?

I died thrice: there's an interview today?

Steve: Guys we are not off to a great start.

Steve: And could everyone please text with proper grammar today.

Irondad: what if we don't

Steve: It'll be embarrassing for us.

Goat man: u mean for u

Onurleft: yh I couldn't care less what the public thinks of me

Rhodey: same

Steve: And no cursing either.

Lint: FUCK!

Steve: Could you guys please try to take this seriously?

Steve: Oh they've texted me that they're ready!

Steve: Everyone needs to be on their very best behavior, I'm inviting them now.

Steve has added Interviewer to the chat

Interviewer: Ah, it's so nice to finally be able to meet all of you guys.

Interviewer: I wish we could have all met in person but this will have to do.

Interviewer: This is going to go very similar to a Q and A, I'll ask overall questions and then each person will get their own individual question, how does that sound?

T'Challa: It sounds wonderful, miss.

Interviewer: Just know that everything said from now on will be recorded and most likely published. Now, why don't you all introduce yourself.

Steve: I'm Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, the leader of the Avengers, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Irondad: Tony Stark, Iron Man

Such a poser: Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow

Lint: Clint Barton, Hawkeye

7 phds: Bruce Banner, The Hulk

Weakest Avenger: Thor Odinson, Thor

I died thrice: Loki Odinchild, Loki

Rhodey: Rhodey, War Machine

Pepper: Pepper Potts, Ceo of Stark Industries

Quicksilver: Pietro Maximoff, Quicksilver

Baddestwitch: Wanda Maximoff, Scarlet Witch

Goat man: Bucky Barnes, "Winter Soldier"

Onurleft: Sam Wilson, Falcon

Vision: Vision, The Vision

Thumbelina: Scott Lang, Antman

Hope: Hope Van Dyne, Wasp

Porcupine: Peter Quill, Starlord

Gamora: Gamora

Smurfette: Nebula

Rocket: Rocket

Groot: I am groot

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