the guardians of the galaxy

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Sparkles: since we have been adding those who helped fight Thanos I believe that we should add the guardians as they were good allies

Godofnicknames: NO

Baby spider: I thought we were adding loki next

Hopeless drunk: nah that's next week

Hopeless drunk: we've picked a date and time and everything

Baby spider: oh

Language: Why are you so against the Guardians of the Galaxy being added, Tony?

Space gal: they were annoying af

Stingray: except for gamora and nebula

Space gal: tru

Child: groot isn't that bad

Katniss: yeah but I need him to say smth else for once

Nuisance: dude ur mad at him for speaking his own language

Wings: I smell racism

Tin man 2: I mean ik we were bound to have someone racist in this chat but I expected it to be one of the old guys

Language: I would never judge someone for something they have no control over.

Stupid: unlike lint

Katniss: clint

Stupid: I'm not stupid ik that I just wanted to anger u

Katniss: idk ur chat name tells me smth different

Wizard2: nat how do u put up with him

Triple imposter: I genuinely don't know

Sparkles: so can I add the guardians or not

12 minutes younger: sorry we got side tracked

Sparkles: I can tell

Meme qween: damn someone got sassy

Sparkles: I grew up with loki and have spent quite a bit of time with Tony what did you expect

Meme qween: true

Godofnicknames: we are not adding the guardians

Godofnicknames: maybe just Nebula if u must and gamora too

Godofnicknames: but the rest of them are not allowed in

Sparkles: but it will not be fair only to add a few of them

Sparkles: they all helped fight against Thanos after all

Language: He has a point.

Godofnicknames: and I do not care

Red man with cape: I agree with Thor, I believe that we should add all of them, and if they become too bothersome we could always have them leave the chat.

Wizard: I guess

Tin man 2: but they're so fricking annoying

Wizard2: ik but we should respect thors wishes

Sparkles: yay!

Sparkles added Peter Quill to the chat

Sparkles added Gamora to the chat

Sparkles added Nebula to the chat

Sparkles added Drax to the chat

Sparkles added Groot to the chat

Sparkles added Rocket to the chat

Sparkles added Mantis to the chat

Jolly Green: Ever since you learned how to add people you've gone crazy.

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