2: Trash Junkie

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Izuku couldn't tell whether the woman believed his story or not, but he couldn't exactly focus on that when he had other things to think about. For example, whether they were going to a specific address embedded on the collar, or if they were going to the weather tower like he had asked before. If the latter were to be the case, he'd be fine, but if they really were going to the address, he had a problem.

At first, he thought that maybe he'd just wait at the driveway and wave at the officer as they drove away before trying to go back home on his own again. Then, Izuku had remembered that she said that there was going to be talking involved to whoever was supposedly responsible for him so that option went out the door. Maybe he could say that he was abused in the home?

If he would, whovere lived in the house would then get into a lot of trouble and Izuku would just further involve himself as well with constant questions and tests about his 'abuse'. There was just too much to that and Izuku had already stolen from a shrine dedicated to a lost Hybrid, probably a dog species from the plush toy of a bone that was left there and he was not selfish enough to involve a stranger further than he had already done. Especially one that's mourning over whomever this collar belonged to in the first place.

If they were kind enough to put out a memorial like that, surely they wouldn't think of abuse. At least, not to the point where Izuku looked like a wreck with scrapes and scratches everywhere, hair and body unwashed since probably a week, and wearing clothes that were not only ripped and stained, but also too big to fit him.

Although, when Izuku plays with the collar around his neck, he grows uneasy at the kind of person they could be if they put full on leather collars on their hybrids. It was old fashioned and pretty uncomfortable, not to mention, sexual if a human and a Hybrid were to be involved romantically. Maybe blaming the stranger was less than a better idea than shooing away the Police officer from a home that doesn't belong to him if that were the case. Wearing the collar of a lover that passed away would surely bring anger and harm his way, from both the human and the officer for lying and imposing.

He could play the sorry bunny that begged for forgiveness, though. Just talk over the human that lived at the address until they would have no choice but to... shut him up somehow and completely ignore the cops questions. Izuku could just keep going until the officer would give them a moment or 'stop by later' maybe? He'd be able to really beg the human to play along until she would leave and then apologize properly for dragging him into such a dire situation that he himself brought to himself and then leave.

Izuku almost teared up at how a simple outing escalated so quickly and left his mother out waiting for him and getting worried sick as she wondered just where in the hell he had gone.

On the other side of the city, apparently, and he had no way of going back without proper help. He's the only one to blame here and Izuku accepts it with a guilty heart.

"ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴇꜱᴛɪɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ɪꜱ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀɪɢʜᴛ"

"Guess we're here." She says and Izuku swallows as he looks up. They stopped in front of a blue-gray house, probably a two story, and a yard that had somewhat green grass and a single car parked into the driveway, indicating that someone was definitely home. Izuku could still hope that they weren't. 

Izuku startled when the window of the door moved, the door having opened with the officer standing to the side to let him out and Izuku sluggishly obeyed. He stepped out of the car, eyeing the house as the door shut behind him before a hand was placed onto his shoulder to motivate him to walk. It wasn't why he did when he obliged to the touch, but he made sure to not seem hesitant as they walked up the driveway. Izuku's eyes flickered at the bushes in front of the porch, and saw how they were barely surviving with few green branches while the rest was a map of its nerve system.

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