8: Decisions Decisions

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"Here we are." Dr. Natsuo said as he opened a door, walking inside before holding it open for Izuku to come through. Izuku thanked him and stepped forward into the room, eyes landing on the big machine hanging from the ceiling.

Is that going to scan me? He swallowed. It's so big.

Izuku heard the door close, his ears being the only thing paying attention to the noise as he stood by the entryway as his attention was on the big piece of equipment. Tho, he did look at the doctor as he passed by before he was turning Izuku's way, an arm reaching.

"Here, I'll put your jacket over by the bed for later." He informs and Izuku nods as he slides it off and hands it to the man in scrubs. Natsuo takes it to the bed as promised as Izuku stands awkwardly without knowing what to do with himself, sliding his shoulder in the air as the paper clothes keep sliding off. Luckily, Natsuko comes back and notices his struggle.

"Need some help with that?" He asks and Izuku nods.

"Yes please. Thank you."

He walks behind Izuku and grabs onto the cloth and ties it at his neck, but there's a pause.

"Did Bakugou not tell you that you are welcome to come with pants? It's a scan to the chest so clothing under the waist is acceptable." Natsuo asks and Izuku goes rigid.

No! He very much did not!

"N-no. He actually was the one that- uhm- threw my clothes away... they were- old and uhm, used a lot. This is all I have..." Izuku begins to finish with a mumble, ears drooping as his hands go behind his back to try and cover himself, a humiliating blush crossing his cheeks.

"Oh, that's fine. I was just asking because you seemed uncomfortable before. I just assumed that you were nervous for the x-ray." Natsuo says and, thankfully for Izuku, comes back around face to face. Izuku nods, laughing nervously halfway as he eyes the 'ray' so to speak.

"I'm definitely nervous for the scan" Izuku says a little louder than intended. "Does it hurt?" He adds meekly, now doubting everything Katsuki has told him so far.

"It doesn't hurt, I assure you." Natsuo laughs before leading Izuku over towards the device and pointing right in between a flat piece of plastic and the big ray.

"Just stand right here." Izuku follows.

"Now press yourself as close as possible against here and hold onto these handles." Natsuo instructs again as he points at the flat plastic side and Izuku does, practically hugging it and Matsuo nods approvingly.

"Great, now don't move too much or the images will look blurry." And then he walks off, behind a wall and smiling at Izuku through the glass. Izuku coughs at the intrusive thought of making it look like he's shielding himself from the machine.

"Take a deep breath when you're ready." Izuku cleared his throat before nervously following the order and kept his lungs nice and filled with air. Sure, choked gags came from him, but Natsuo wasn't complaining.

"Aaand, done!"

Izuku looks at him through the window, amazed.

"Really? T-...that's it?" Izuku says as he looks back at the ray pointing directly at him, not so evil looking now that he knows what it's like.

"Yup!" He squints at the computer a bit, humming before smiling. "And It looks like you don't have any signs of pneumonia in your lungs but it is still likely that you have bronchitis. Not enough for it to be chronic, but definitely treatable." Natsuo says and Izuku nods as he detaches himself from the machine to stand upright again.

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