4: Meeting the Second Son

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(adding art when i'm done with it)

"And, here you go. That's the last of it." The employer said as he handed the last two pieces of bread that hadn't been sold today over to Izuku and Inko.

"We had a little accident in the kitchen and had actually thought we were going to run out. This was all I could give you." The cheerful woman said, trying to apologize for not having a handy bunch of goodies from her shop, but Izuku and Inko waved her off.

"It's alright. We're not the only ones to take care of but we really appreciate you doing this for us, Uraraka-san." Inko says as she gives her a small bow, the woman waving her hands to get her to stop.

"It's nothing, really. The baskets we drive to the facilities fill the car up anyway and I really didn't want to throw anything away." She tells them and both Izuku and Inko nod at her with grateful grins.

"You are too kind." Inko noses the air teasingly and Uraraka seems to relax at that, no longer feeling uptight in trying to avoid any accidental insults of their living situation. Izuku had to suppress a laugh the first time she saw all the hybrids huddled up in the back corner to the alleyway where the garbage was, ignoring her presence even though the scent of those delicious pastries had made all their stomachs grumble. She sprouted and stuttered every insult that could make any homeless person ashamed but her blushing cheeks and constant apologies and failed corrections made them all laugh before telling her that it was ok... at the price of taking those pastries of course.

It all became routine until she actually started talking to them and having them wait by the back door for her arrival, greeting grins and thankful smiles as they accepted everything she gave them.

"Well, I gotta go, but I'll be back tomorrow! Goodnight!" Uraraka waved goodbye before going to shut the door. Izuku and Inko shortly went over to where they had set up camp, makeshift tents and huts laid against the walls of the closed off square surrounded by other homes with no onlooking windows. In the center was where most fires would take place, but considering it was summer and there was plenty of body heat, they had the fireplace moved to an unoccupied corner. Inko went ahead and joined the usual group of girls, both human and hybrids, while Izuku went to where he and Inko slept with one other occupant, which was a new arrival as of a few weeks ago.

He was a hybrid, a criocentaur, a faun or satyr to be more specific, and depicted by how small the horns were, he was younger then Izuku by at least five or so years. His coat was a deep brown at the legs and pointed ears with the horn that barely curled over behind the head where they would enlarge until he reached adulthood. He was caught chipping away at his hooves a few times, but other than that he was quiet and didn't participate in any conversation, just listened and slept most of the time. Not that a lot of conversation happened, but he seemed like he didn't even want to give it back, including with Izuku.

"Hello." Izuku greeted as he came to sit down in his sleeping area, occupying the sleeping bag in the middle as it crumpled beneath him. The teen said nothing, only looked at him in acknowledgement, eyes lingering longer than usual before looking away and scooting closer to the heavy box that kept the tarp above them level. Izuku settled down, extending his feet as he glanced over his direction and noticed that he didn't get any of today's share again.

"Here." Izuku handed the piece of the round bread over and eyes immediately went to it before they flickered to him. Izuku nodded encouragingly, telling him that he had actually eaten a lot today. Eventually it was taken from his hand and Izuku settled back down against the wall behind him with a pleased sigh, finally getting some well deserved rest.

"...go" Izuku opened his eyes at the small voice, his eyes immediately going to the boy that was sitting beside him still holding a perfectly round bagel without one bite to it.

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