18: The Final Visit

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At the sight of what he finds to remember is called a 'basket' full of 'laundry', Izuku's only temptation of touching any of the newly cleaned clothes inside was the long string hanging from the side that he knew came from those pants Katsuki had him try on a day before. Looking in the direction of the stairs where Katsuki had retreated after dropping the basket off, Izuku hops towards it as silently as possible before crouching on the ground in front of it and begins digging through all of the clothes.

His tail began vibrating vigorously as he pulled out his new shirt and held it up to see the designs on the front and back. He smiled widely as he threw the cloth over his shoulder and went to go look for the rest of his clothes. By the time both his shoulders have a variety of clothing, his nose starts to twitch as he registers the smell of the basket, smelling like concentrated soaps with the scents of both Katsuki and baby powder mixed together.

Izuku brings one of the shirts to his face, nose taking in the scent of domesticity instead of the usual molded trash and acid sweat. But, as Izuku took another whiff, he could also smell the wind, making him feel how cool all the clothes were to the touch. Briefly, he wonders how it can even smell like fresh air, but it's a fleeting thought. 

Izuku was in ecstasy, body going lax as he brought the shirt away from his face before looking around for an open, hidden space to put them all in that wasn't in the way. Katsukis footsteps come from behind him, and he looks just in time to see the blond carrying down another basket, only these were full of sheets and blankets. Their eyes catch when he reaches the bottom of the stairs.

"Gonna fold those yourself?" Katsuki asks as he comes closer, depositing the second basket next to the other before seating himself on the couch. Izuku takes a step to the side to not be in Katsukis way.

"Why would I do that?"

"Fold your clothes?" Katsuki questions, Izuku nodding with a shrug. Confused. From what he's done, he stuffs them all in a bag and ties it so none of them would get stolen or get even more dirty then they were. Then, once used, they go in another bag for washing in the late evening.

Katsuki, he's learned, deposits his clothes in big drawers of wood, but the concept is the same; if you're going to wear them, why waste the time in folding them?

"So they don't crease, maybe? So it looks neat when you put it on." 

Izuku looks down at the bundle of clothes he gathered in his arms, ready to stuff under the small ground table. "Oh." he says before looking up when he sees movement, watching as Katsuki effortlessly picks up a pair of pants, folds them in a square, and does the same with a shirt.

When he stands again, Izuku walks on the opposite end of the table Katsuki uses to deposit squared piles of clothes, all different sizes and colors, before dropping his own next to him and kneeling.

He watches Katsukis hands as discreetly as possible, slowly grabbing a shirt himself and placing it flat on the table, and from the bottom up, he folds it in half. Katsuki, used to doing laundry, pays sole attention to the bunny in front of him, slowing down his movements when he notices izuku's eyes watching and trying to copy his movements. He resist grinning when the bunny comes to a struggling point, hands fumbling with the uncooperative sleeves as they slip out a second time when he had tried picking it up. 

"Need a hand?"

"No." Izuku immediately defends, finally noticing that Katsuki was watching him before trying to fold the same pair of pants for a third time. Only now, his ears were pinned down behind his head from the attention instead of having them stiff straight above his head in concentration.

It stays silent between them, minutes ticking by with the thumping of Yuna's feet coming from upstairs along with Takeos loud babbling. It's muffled, so Izuku assumes the door of the room they're sharing was closed. A few times his attention jumps to the stairs when there's a particularly loud slap or bangs, but he relaxes only when he either hears giggling from either party, or the fact that Katsuki doesn't even seem fazed. His ears were so focused on the small noises coming from upstairs, Izuku jumped when Katsukis voice interrupted the peace. He frowns when the shirt he was folding falls on the table, wrinkled. 

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