16: More than Just Another Day

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Other then stopping at a nearby breakfast café to get something to fill his stomach, Katsuki was good on time... prospectively speaking.

but since he was on clearance, he arrived only a few hours earlier then the latest time the woman had said for the meeting, otherwise he was a good three hours late for work. This is one of the rare times he's grateful for the opportunities to pull the service card.

He had to call Kirishima back as well after realizing that Takeo hadn't had his own breakfast yet and, while he was at it, to catch up on Izukus condition. Of course, Kirishima didn't tell him because he had only 'just left' and Katsuki argued that it was well over thirty minutes since he started driving.

While Izuku hadn't gotten worse, he had gone into hiding shortly after Katsuki had left with a headache and an upset stomach. Katsuki had to end the call shortly after telling Kirishima to make sure he eats something for lunch when he pulled into the buildings parking, before speed walking his way towards the stairs to get to the entrance door.

After finding his way inside, the AC blasting right above his head, he beelined to the office. A few greeted him, others maneuvering around him to get to their own stations, but it wasn't as busy as it usually was since no one knew of this season's theme. Those who did have materials being carried and moved around the workplace, were most likely working on their own personal projects.

Katsuki should be there with them, if he hadn't forgotten that the meeting was today.

"Bakugou, nice of you to finally join us." calls a voice as Katsuki enters the office, who huffs as he closes the door behind him with a click.

"Seiko here yet?" Katsuki questions immediately as he takes a seat on the chair, fixing his jacket and collar as he does. The woman behind the table abandons her computer to give him her full attention, fingers crossing together as she puts them between her legs with a heavy sigh and a slumping back. All signs of professionalism from the phone call, gone.

"Yea , but before that, what made you go as far as forgetting what today was?! I knew already that you had taken the day off yesterday after calling me literally in the middle of the night, but you didn't explain why! I was lucky I didn't have to cover for your sudden absence yesterday or today." her eyes slanted. "You owe me."

Katsuki sighed tiredly. "Setsuna, I really don't have the time or the patience to sit here and chat. Can you tell me when the meeting will start so I can go and get ready?" He asked, but Setsuna grinned, having no plan at all to do as he asks. Katsukis eyes remained neutral as he watched her, but clicked his tongue before getting up to leave the room, planning to ask someone else.

"Ok ok! Fine, i'll tell you! The meeting won't start in another hour because you weren't the only one that was late anyway, but I'd suggest you stay in here until then." She tells him in a rushed tone before it turns more suggestive. Katsuki raises an eyebrow at her as his body turns back to face Setsuna's, hands going into his pockets.


Setsuna leans over a little to the side to check behind him, before leaning forwards.

"I may or may not have overheard some things, mainly Ms. Bakugou and Seiko getting into a bit of a quarrel. Don't know the details, but I'm pretty sure your mom doesn't like her being here. And as much as I agree with her, having Seiko could help us go through a huge breakthrough into promoting our clothing line further out overseas."

Katsuki scoffs at that, agreeing at the last statement, but with a little bit of a grin as he focuses on the previous detail. "The hag was probably telling her to lay off the Mr. Nice Guy act even though she really doesn't have one."

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