7: A Give or Take

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This mentions Sexual orientation, cultural and non cultural races, and self identity. By experience, I am NOT making fun or putting my opinion out there, so don't come in the comments in displeasure and @ me for being disrespectful. Please and thank you.  If every book were the same, it wouldn't be a fun read. 

Izuku sat on the bed that he was walking to, the curtain closed around him because he had asked for some semblance of privacy in the large room filled with other patients. He felt too dirty to be taken in such an open space with people carrying all kinds of open wounds. Katsuki wasn't with him at the moment, and said that he needed to go to the restroom and zuku was left alone.

Even after all that happened with Izuku trying to break free from Katsuki, the guy still had the guts to trust him enough to not leave. He's either really stupid, or really doesn't care what Izuku decides to do. Tho... he could get something out of it if he stayed, get an idea of how healthy he is or isn't.

"Ah, here we are." A doctor came in, pulling the curtains aside. She was elderly and short, but tall enough to reach Izuku and all of the equipment on either table beside the bed. Katsuki came in behind her, Izuku comically having to crane his head to look up from the woman. Katsuki stood near the end of the bed in the furthest corner of the space enclosed by the blue curtain, either to stay away from Izuku, or to give the doctor some space to work around.

"So you came in choking, with swollen lips and unable to breathe but felt instant relief when we gave you an EpiPen, correct?" She questions as she looks at a piece of paper clipped to a hand-board.

"EpiPen?" Izuku repeats, mumbling in thought as he finishes the puzzle of what made him breathe again at that stabbing pain. "The thing that you put in here?" Izuku asks aloud while pointing to his leg, and the doctor nods.

"Yes, and it's usually used after an allergic reaction that causes shortness of breath amongst other symptoms so I will be asking some questions to get to the bottom of it, alright?" She asks and Izuku nods tentatively, glancing at Katsuki who was just looking at his phone.

"Yea, ok."

"Great. Let's start with what your allergies are. Any that you are aware of?" She asks, looking down at her chart and not once at Izuku.

"N-no. I think pollen maybe, but that's pretty much everyone..."

"Alright, do you know what caused the reaction? Swollen lips, clogged throat, short of breath, and what else?" She asked with a swing of her pen in the air.

"My stomach hurt for a while, and I couldn't breathe at all."

"Itchy eyes or any rashes?" She looks up, pointing between both of his eyes and Izuku shakes his head.

"N-no. This is just from... crying." Izuku mumbled towards the end, hands going between his legs as his ears drooped from above his head.

"I'm also told that you've been coughing for a while, but I'll need to take a physical exam for it." She says and Izuku nods with a low 'ok', watching her move around the bed he's sitting on before she's stepping on some stairs she pulled from under the bed.

"I'll need you to take the jacket off, young man." She says and Izuku fumbles to take it off. She follows the cloth as it's set onto the bed before giving infinite instructions for Izuku to follow next.

To her credit, she is explaining what she's doing to him, but all Izuku registers are things being wrapped around his arms, metal objects pressed onto the skin of his chest and back, flashlights wiggled in his field of vision, and an eye test where he has to tell her what finger she moved an whatnot. He's asked questions he's never really thought of before, like his family history on certain illnesses. He doesn't know, his mom is all he's got and they just live their days how they want to, hoping for a meal, and a good night's sleep.

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