9: My View of You

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Katsuki groaned as he woke, rubbing his face at the alarm going off on his nightstand, a hand coming out from under the blankets to press onto the screen on his phone to silence it.


A sigh escaped. I need to start changing my ringtone for the alarm. Katsuki groaned at his mother's voice and grabbed onto the phone to put it to his ear.


"I need to know if you're coming to the show today."

Katsuki frowned with his eyes still closed. "I'm going out with Yuna and Takeo today. Can't"

"Oh. How are they doing anyway?"

"Fine." Katsuki grumbled, tired. "And you just saw them on the weekend."

"Yea, but now it's summer break and I want some time with my grandkids! All you do is take them to the park."

"I have shit to do. Stop going up my ass." Katsuki curses as he swats the blanket off himself with squinted eyes. "You try staying with them all day. All they want is constant attention." Katsuki walks across his room to open the door, towards the stairs and into the bathroom in front of Takeos room.

"I'm trying but you won't let me or your father take care of them." His mother argues back and Katsuki gives a tut.

"Go make another kid yourself if you're so eager." Katsuki retors and he hears Mitsuki sigh.

"Actually, I can't anymore. The doctor confirmed it just a few months ago."

Katsuki stops, looking at himself in the mirror in slight surprise. "Oh. Menopause or...?" Katsuki trailed off, hoping nothing was wrong with his mom. Her laugh made him relax instantly though.

"Yea, it's menopause. I noticed I hadn't gotten my period after a few months and I thought I was pregnant, but the doctor said that I was just no longer producing. I'm kinda glad. Don't think I can keep up with another kid if they ended up like you."

"Your fault." Katsuki countered as he did his business on the toilet, not bothering to put Mitsuki on mute.

"Whatever, anyway- in case you can make it, the show is going to be around four. Bring the kids if you want, Makoto too if she can make it." Mitsuki says and Katsuki grunts before flushing and washing his hands after tucking himself away.

"You're both still on good terms right?" Mitsuki adds and Katsuki rolls his eyes as he exits the bathroom and goes downstairs.

"What's it to you, anyways. My relationship should be my business." Katsuki retorts as Mitsuki scoffs.

"Divorced parents can be hard on kids. I just want to make sure you're all ok so I don't end up having a generation of overly depressed Bakugous with their exaggerations of a horrible life with divorced parents."

"Yea, like that'll ever happen. My kids are going to be the best. Yuna is doing good in school and came with perfect scores for the end of kindergarten. She's ready for first grade." Katsuki answers proudly, remembering his meeting with the teachers yesterday to talk about Yunas scores in education and behavior; all excellent!

"What about Takeo?" Mitsuki asks and Katsuki frowns as he reaches the last step and turns to the kitchen.

"He'll get there. He's only a year old." Katsuki answers, going to the windows to see that the sun wasn't even up yet. Gee, what time does this woman even wake up? It's not even six.

"I know he will. I was just asking, babies are smart."

"Babies are dumb as hell. He decided that it was perfectly fine to dip his damn toothbrush in the toilet and use it as is." Katsuki tells her, going to make himself a coffee, almost gagging at the memory as Mitsuki laughs on the other side of the phone.

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