11: Don't give it a Name

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Izuku's ears shifted upon hearing the front door opening, the jingle of keys and voices becoming louder as the door clicked and slid open. Everything was muffled, but he could hear the conversation Katsuki was having with, supposedly, Yuna from the bathroom floor he sat on. His back was against the door, knees drawn in and cuddled as he listened in the darkened room.

"Tomorrow, sensei said we have to bring something for show-and-tell."

"Oh yea?"

"Mhm- but I don't know what to bring otherwise it'll get stolen from Asahi again..."

He hears Katsuki tut a laugh as the door clicks shut, before a loud babble comes from, what Izuku assumed to be, Takeo; Katsukis youngest.

"We'll find something. Now hurry over to your room, I have things here to take care of."

"Dinner?!" Yuna asks excitedly.

"After I get your brother situated, yes. Ill call you when it's ready."

He hears a girly giggle from Yuna before small feet stomp fast and hard up the stairs. "Onigiri!" she shouts, followed by takeos squeal. There's more shuffling and larger feet walking down the short hall before they pause, nothing happening for a few seconds.

"Izuku?" Katsuki calls and Izuku's stomach churn as he curls further into himself at the door. "I'm back!... where'd he go?" Katsuki shouts, but mumbles to himself shortly after as he pads back, passing the bathroom Izuku is in. So, hesitantly, Izuku speaks up to not cause any unnecessary worry.

"I-...In here." He says, his voice wavered. He hears Katsuki step to the door and knock. "Y-yea?"

"Doin' alright?"

No "Y-ea! I'm fine." Izuku answers, unsure. "Need something?" A beat passes before Katsuki speaks up from the other side.

"I'd like to talk with you, actually."

Oh... Izuku thinks nervously, shrinking further into himself and picks at his shirt. A cough comes from him and he tries his best to silence it with his hands over his mouth. It doesn't do much aside from muffling his coughs, but when he's finished his voice comes out a rasp.

"A-alright. I'll be out in a sec." He tells him before listening to Katsuki grunting and walking away. He takes a few breaths to steady himself, scrubbing his face with his hands to get rid of any tense muscles before standing up. When he deems himself ready, he opes the door to the bathroom and steps out, peeking his head to try and spot the blond, and finds him sitting on the couch bent over and rummaging.

Quietly, Izuku made his way over, hands in front of him. His eyes remain on Katsukis hunched back, trailing down to his arms as they move about and find that he was sitting Takeo and giving him his toys. Big brown eyes were looking at the toys with little interest as he gnawed at his hand, blowing and creating spit bubbles, before he looked his way. Immediately, a wide smile spreads across Takeos stuffed mouth and makes noise as he leans forward and grabs at the air in his direction. Katsuki looks at the notion and spots Izuku, sitting up straight on the couch.

He gestures for him to take a seat and Izuku nods awkwardly before making his way over, going around behind the couch to not go in the babe's space and sitting down a few feet away from Katsuki. Izuku's hands clench at the borrowed sweatpants, his body stiff as he watches his leg start to bounce.

"There's nothing to be nervous about." Katsuki reassures, also catching Izuku's tic before turning Takeo around with a familiar stuffed puppy since he had started to crawl towards Izuku's feet. 

"Right." Izuku nods to himself for self reassurance, but his body doesn't relax. "Well, what did you want to talk about?"

Katsuki doesn't respond immediately, but he takes a deep breath as he looks down at his son before turning his body to face Izuku, a knee on the couch.

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