17: A Day's Away

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By the time Katsuki pulls up to his driveway, his headlights are the only thing that illuminate the walls and porch of his house. When his engine turns off, the only thing that gives him enough light to gather his things, is the dim light coming from the living room window. Seeing that Yuna hasn't come to the window at his arrival, he assumes that she'd already been put to bed and grabs his phone. Quickly, he checks any text messages or calls he might have missed during his drive here, before going into his email to see if his designer apprentices sent him everything.

Chiyo had emailed him back tho, and when he opened it, he saw that yes; she'll be able to come and check on Izuku herself.

With a heavy heart, Katsuki leans further back into his seat, hand going to his chin and lips as he reads it over, mildly skimming through all the details before his gaze goes to the window again. And, as he imagines Izuku on the couch, either watching something on the television to pass the time or sleeping, it... it makes him imagine how much the bunny can belong there. The thought of having him leave just doesn't seem right anymore, it's become an awful idea.

"Who am I kidding..." a sigh comes from him, small as he turns off his phone to rest his head against his seat with his eyes closed.

"I'm a goddamn walking contradiction at this point." he says, staring at the inky colors swirling behind his eyes. But, shortly after, and with a zap of energy, Katsuki exits his car and shuts the door with a quick lock.

On another note, it was still early enough to let Yuna stay up a few extra hours since it's the weekend starting tomorrow, but he figures that since Kirishima's energy has always been the draining kind, she must have gone out like a light not too long ago. When he had to unlock the door himself instead of having it being swung open by the one and only and accompanied by yapping, his theory was proved right.


Walking into the home as silent as possible and taking his jacket and shoes off at the entrance, what he was not expecting was Kirishima covered in glitter trying to clean up the kitchen. Katsuki stood idle in the divided hall and let his eyes catch bits and pieces of cut, colored paper, glitter -that he doesn't remember ever bying-, and the washable paint he bought not too long ago smeared all over the chairs and countertop. A lot of it even on Kirishima's shirt and pants, but his skin looked otherwise untouched.

The man in question looks up and smiles at his presence.

"Hey man! I'll just finish up here and get out of your hair." Kirishima tells him, swiping a strand of wet, black hair out of his face.

If the guy took a shower, it must have been a party Katsuki was glad he wasn't there for. But, he set the rest of his things down and went to the kitchen to help after sliding on his slippers.

"What did you guys do in here? It's a mess." Katsuki asks as he goes around and grabs the abandoned broom leaning against the fridge, moving the highchairs to get under them better.

"Oh, uhm, Yuna was a little upset today that she wasn't able to get to school because she wanted to do something for your birthday, so we tried making it up to her with what we had here." Kirishima explains and Yunas wails of disappointment this morning made more sense now.

"We?" Katsuki frowns before looking pointedly at the male, brows furrowed. "Don't tell me you brought the others over." I swear I always find all sorts of shit that Takeo puts in his mouth.

"No no! I'd tell you if I did." Kirishima shakes his head with a chuckle, waving his hands before going back to rubbing more paint off the marble. "I meant me and Midoriya. He took to drawing with both Yuna and Takeo while I went out to grab a few little things Yuna could have used for her surprise. Not for long! Just thirty minutes to the market around the corner." Kirishima reassures when he sees the side eye he receives from Katsuki at the thought of leaving the kids alone by themselves. But, since Izuku was there, he supposed it was alright... it was only thirty minutes anyway.

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