12: Dirtied Nails

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Katsuki wakes to a thud to the wall, but as he blinks he's not entirely sure if it was just his imagination from the heavy silence that followed. He only stares for a few moments at his door, listening to see if there would be another, but eventually drops his head back onto the pillow to rub his eyes.

Right, I have the kids today. Katsuki breathes out a long breath through his nose as he thinks about the day ahead of him. It's a little harder to plan things when you've got a sick guest to take care of,  but he's going to need to make due and deal with it. 

Shuffling to grab the comforter and sheet, Katsuki throws the corner to the side to get up, sliding on the slippers at the side of the bed. Distractedly, he gives off a loud yawn to ward off his sleepy self as he opens the door. Katsuki turns for the bathroom, ignoring how Yuna probably forgot to shut off the light after her midnight potty again, and walks in to get ready for the day.

What he was not expecting was for a shrill howl to echo inside. It was low and quick to end, but the pitch made Katsukis mind jumpstart and put his hands out in front of himself, hands positioned as if they were holding a long object.

Izuku, meanwhile, jumped up and bumped his head on the sink and his back against the wall, the nails on his large, rabbit feet scratching at the tiles and slipping onto the shower carpet before inevitably falling to the floor with one last bang.

Izuku's body curled in on itself in a cradle, hands going to his head and rocking back and forwards.

"Owww~...." Izuku whispers with hard sucking of his teeth as his fingers card through his hair, massaging the pain on his scalp. Katsuki sighs in relief when his body starts to calm down after the initial shock, and relaxes his stance so he stands again and is no longer crouching into a squat.

The first thing he notices is that Izuku's body is completely bare, save for the fur that goes up his waist before it turns to smooth skin. Like this, he can see the adhesive patches still firmly in place on his back, barely picked at on the corners, and inevitably reminds him that tomorrow is when Izuku is to be taken to the hospital for evaluation.

Then, it's the electric razor he hasn't seen in years clattered on the floor, wire unrolled and a little dusty.

"...Sorry." The apology is late, and barely sounds genuine from how tired Katsuki still feels after the adrenaline wore off, but he knows that he shouldn't have just walked in without knocking first. Still, there is a bathroom downstairs Izuku can use.

"It's fine. You just scared me is all..." Izuku braves to look up at Katsuki, giving him a once-over before speaking again. "Did I wake you?" He asks, but Katsuki can only think about why they were still talking when he's butt naked on the floor.

Even if... it's hidden with layers of furry curls.

"No." Katsuki frowns, blinks, and wipes his face with his hands to regain his thoughts so he can quickly excuse himself. "What are you even doing this early in the morning?" That's not what I wanted to say to get out of here.

Izuku shifts a bit from his seat on the floor, the hands on his head now going to his knees as he draws them closer to himself, and looks away with, what seems to be, an embarrassed pout.

"I... I had some knots I couldn't brush, so I decided to cut them off. But now it all looks choppy so I thought I could use that to make it all even again..." Izuku mumbles towards the end, making Katsukis gaze go down to his furry legs and finally see all of the uneven cuts of his hair. He gives a heavy sigh at the explanation, to which Izuku tightens his grip on his knees.

"I-i didn't mean to wake you. And I promise I planned on cleaning everything up when I finished! I already swept everything up in the kitchen and washed the scissors too- and then I remembered that you- uhm- had a hybrid too and thought that maybe you still had some tools, or something. I promise I didn't go through your things! Just the bathrooms!" Izuku half shouts, aware that Yuna and Takeo are still sleeping.

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