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Jungkook and his friends sat in the back garden of Suga's home, drinking beer and chatting.
"So does your mum still call every week to see if you've found your mate?" Jin asked Jungkook.
"Yer, says I'm getting on! I'm 25 for gods sake and I can't break all the hearts of other Omegas," he grinned.
"Your such a slut, wait til your mate comes along you'll have no say in it," Tae said getting a nudge from Hobi," I mean sweetheart it's a nice feeling you can't resist." Hobi hugged him.
"Lisa thinks you'll pick her," RM said.
"That hoe will never be my mate,"
"Oh, double standard eh?" Suga said.
"Hmmm, suppose so but who cares, I'll wait til my mate comes along but will enjoy myself in the meantime, but not with her she's been a pain since school."
"That feels so long ago, do you remember that poor kid you used to terrorise?" Tae asked.
Jungkook fidgeted, he knew he'd been a bit of a dick then.
"What was his name Jihun,.......,limin?"Hobi asked.
"Jimin but Jungkook called him Nerd" Suga said.
"But I thought he was cute, petite lovely smile," Jin said.
"He irritated me, always on about how just because they are Omegas they shouldn't submit to Alphas and how he was going to invent something that he could use so he'd never submit to any Alpha, no offence to you guys but he wanted to destroy the natural order of things!"
Tae and Jin who were Omegas raised their eyebrows at Jungkooks words. RM and Hobi looked at each other.
"I can understand your feelings as we are Alphas to and our mates accepted us," Rm said smiling at Jin," but put yourself in his shoes," he was brought up to think he was only there to serve an Alpha , his parents were very strict , they cast him out of the family for refusing to marry another Alpha they had picked, that's why he disappeared after school."
"How do you know all this?" Jungkook asked
"Because I found him hiding in our back yard shed covered in bruises, he told me what had happened, my parents helped him leave here, he was pretty beat up."
"Oh the poor baby, I wonder how he is now?"Jin said
"Probably still dreaming of making his anti Alpha drug!" Jungkook said, but he felt a little off knowing he had picked on the boy.
"Maybe he could have been your mate!" Suga ,a beta sniggered.
"Oh fuck no, he was nerdy looking wore glasses, did all his homework, so serious all the time! Can you imagine me with someone like him!"
"But he did have a lovely smile the few times I saw it," RM mused.
The others looked at him," what? As an Alpha I felt the need to protect him and he always thanked me and smiled."
Jin pouted, " but my handsome smile is better yes?"
"Always babe!"
Everyone laughed and the conversation changed to a new building being built near the town.
"The workers say they haven't seen the owner but he's put electronic gates in and shutters that can be worked from inside to shut across doors and windows, some hi tech stuff...., wonder who they want to keep out, the owner works from home, something to do with pharmaceuticals." Tae said as he worked in the town council offices for Jungkooks father who ran the town.
"Dad hasn't mentioned who it is but I'm sure I'll have to go with him to welcome them."
At that moment Jungkooks phone rang, looking at the name he frowned,
"Yes,what do you want?"
"No I don't want to see you,"
"I don't care ....."
"No just lose my number you annoy me!"
He growled as he clicked the phone off," honestly has she no self respect!!"
"Lisa?" Guessed Tae.
Jungkook nodded frowning," I need to change my number!"
"She would probably find it out from someone, she's very tenacious!"
"That's one word for her!!"
The others laughed, Suga got some more beers and they all ended up slightly the worse for wear and all crashing at Sugas place.
Waking up the next day they one by one made their way to their homes glad it was the weekend, getting to his home he went inside showered and collapsed on his bed sleeping off his hangover.
He was woken by his doorbell ringing it was one thirty. He answered finding his father there.
"Jungkook is your phone on silent I've been ringing you?"
"Oh sorry Dad it's in my jacket pocket I was sleeping, how's mum?"
"The usual, bemoaning the fact you haven't found your mate and wanting to redecorate the house."
"Ah, I can't make my mate suddenly appear and the house is ok?"
"We know that son, but your mother has empty nest syndrome and is looking for something to do."
"Dad get her involved in the humanitarian project finding homes for orphans, she'd be in her element."
"Your a genius son, I'll set that up later but now you need to tidy up so we can visit the new towns person, we'll actually he lived here before but he's come back for good."
"Oh? What's his name has he got a family ?"
"Not here anymore, it was years ago,as leader of the pack I had to make them go elsewhere, they had been aggressive to him to the point RMs family helped him leave, but they got a lot of backlash from the boys parents to the point I had to step in."
"RM didn't mention that...., is his name Jimin?"
"It's Park Jimin yes? And RMs parents kept it from him as they didn't want him to worry about them."
Jungkook nodded then ran to tidy up...., so Jimin was back, was he still the presumptuous nerd with the glasses?" Ten minutes later he and his father were on their way.It only took fifteen minutes from Jungkooks place, they came up to the gate pressing a button.
Looking around Jungkook saw the high wall had cameras on it through the gate he saw beautiful lawns and a curved driveway surrounding a white building.
A voice answered the buzz," hello?"
Jungkook thought how melodic it sounded.
"Mr Park it's Alpha Jeon and my son"
"Y-your son, oh Erm , I'll buzz you in,"
The gate opened and they drove through, Jungkook smirking as he imagined the look on the Omegas face when he saw him, he would find it hard to resist, he was even more handsome than when he'd been in school.
His fathers car stopped and they got out nearing the front door ,it opened and Jungkook stopped in his tracks as he smelt a delicious aroma of strawberries, looking at the small male he realised it came from him, his eyes glazed as he saw a vision in front of him, gone were the glasses, he was a lot slimmer and his hair was styled to suit his angelic looks , his jumper crept over his knuckles giving him cute sweater paws. He was biting down on his bottom lip and sniffing the air looking at Jungkook in surprise.
Jungkook stepped forward, his wolf howling in his head.
"Hello Mr Jeon I'm Park Jimin thank you for letting me back."
"It's my pleasure, I'm pleased to have someone of your standing and reputation living here, I've already let you know about your parents and my involvement I hope that won't affect us?"
"No they stopped being family years before I got away. Would you like coffee?"
"Yes thank you that would be nice , Jungkook haven't you got anything to say?"
Jimin stared at the other smirking inside.
"Mine!" Jungkook growled his eyes alight with the recognition that here stood his mate.

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