Frusratingly yours

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Jungkook was tied up in knots, his mother had heard about his mate and demanded Jungkook introduce him, his father said he needed to try harder and Jimin......., well he enjoyed tormenting him.
It seemed to Jungkook that he smelt Jimins enticing scent everywhere or he thought he did.
Right now he had driven to a local coffee shop and had been there five minutes when he saw out the window Jimin step from a car quickly look around then go and sit in a car with someone else then leave and go back to his own car with something in his hand.
Was Jimin doing drugs? Jungkook wrote down the number plate and called a friend who worked in the police asking him to send him details of the person and their address.
Within ten minutes a text appeared on his phone with the details and he got up and drove to the address. Stepping from his car he saw the car he'd seen earlier and the same man lifting a box from the boot. Jungkook sensed he was a beta.
"Hi," Jungkooks alpha pheromones made the man turn in surprise.
"Er Alpha?"
"So I saw you earlier what did you give Park Jimin?"
"So are we going to play that game? Are you dealing drugs?"
"What,no that's the truth!"
"So why the meet up and what did you give him, tell me!!" His dominance made the other cower.
"It's just an ingredient, it's hard to get but he needs it for something, I only had a small amount so I will come again in a couple of days."
"What ingredient and how long have you supplied it?"
"It's a hard to grow plant it's not illegal just doesn't grow readily, I supplied him by Mail but now he's here I will pass it on , he said it's something he needs for his health."
Was Jimin ill? He'd had this for years?
"So why the secrecy if it's not illegal?"
"He said if some obnoxious Alpha found out he was done for."
The beta looked at Jungkook then gulped.
Jungkook realised what it could be." How do you supply it?"
"In liquid form I don't know what he does with it after."
"Well you say you have to meet again soon, so here's what your going to do, you'll supply a liquid but it will be coloured water, it has to look the same,does it have an odour?"
The beta shook his head.
"Great, now if I ever see you around after you next contact him you'll wish you never met me, after you deliver change your contact details you understand?"
The beta nodded seeing the seriousness in the Alphas face.
"Tell him same time and place I'll be watching, here's for your time, he handed him a stack of notes which the beta greedily accepted.
Jungkook drove back smiling to himself, let's see if that's what I think it is Jimin your going to start reacting to me soon!!"
Jimin had got anxious but the man assured him he would get some more in a couple of days.Since moving here and knowing his mate was here he'd used more spray than usual but he could only make it if he had that ingredient he had with this small amount enough for four days maximum.
He got into his house and went to his study checking his emails answering them and then going into his small lab to make a bit of spray up, once done he wandered into his sitting room, what should he do?
Maybe stock his kitchen? His heat was in a week he couldn't go out his strong scent would definitely attract others, his spray didn't work in his heat. He looked at the windows seeing the automated shutters, once his heat came he set them on automatic for three days. they would come down and lock him in and anyone else out, he knew others would think he was strange but he'd nearly been attacked once before by a wolf who had caught his scent one night at the beginning of his heat, he'd broken in causing Jimin to escape to a loft room and barricade himself in before calling the police.
The wolf had been caught but Jimin had licked himself in the lift room for his whole heat panicked by the event. The only way the shutters would open was if a fire was detected.
Jimin drove to the convenience store, pushing a trolley around he stocked up especially with ice cream which he always craved in his heat, his trolley bumped into someone else's and he apologised. Looking up he saw it was Tae, looking into each other's trolleys they grinned," heat?" They both said at the same time.
"I like to stock up as Hobi  stays with me too, his rut is in sync with my heat and neither of us can do anything so we have plenty of food on tap and take care of each other, it's in a couple of days, you?"
"Next week, I like to eat garbage when I have my heat."
"Isn't it hard Jimin, doing it on your own?I couldn't  do it"
"Yes it's painful but it's usually just three days, so I have to deal with it,"
"Why don't you want a mate?"
"Honestly ? I'm scared if I give myself to someone who I think loves me then they will treat me like my parents did, the two people I though should live me tried to sell me off to the highest bidder."
"I'm so sorry Jimin, but Kooks not like that."
"Jungkook doesn't really want me as his mate, I irritate him and always have done," he smiled sadly en said goodbye to Tae and went and paid for his goods.
Jungkook walked into his fathers office," Dad send her away on holiday or something, it doesn't help with her constantly messaging me to see my mate!"
"Son you know your mother , so how's it going with that anyway?"
"He's stubborn annoying incredibly in denial!!"
"But you want him right?"
"God dad I've never felt anything this strong before!"
"Ah son we have fated mates for a reason, the connection is strong you will give your all for them nurture them console them have pups with them create the next generation, it's the cycle of life, we just happen to live an awfully long time."
A knock came at the door and Tae walked in, " oh hi Kook didn't know you were here, here's your coffee and chocolate biscuits Mr Jeon, I won't tell your wife if you don't !"
"Thanks Tae, go and sit with my son for a bit and cheer him up,"
"Sure thing Mr J,"
He dragged Jungkook out and went to the staff room where he made them both a coffee.
"Tae if I don't have a taste of Jimin soon I'll combust !"
"Oh dear not going well then?"
"No and to top it all my ruts soon and it's gonna be hell!"
"Oh you and Jimin both he was stocking up earlier for next week,"
Jungkooks  wolf whispered in his head( make him yours then)
"Tae how can I get him to be mine?"
"I don't know Kook but once he is he won't go with anyone else, shame you can't find what he's using if you could stop that the kaboom! He couldn't resist you."
"But that wouldn't be fair would it?"
"Depends how much you want your mate,"
Jungkook sighed drank the coffee and left. Sitting in his own office he thought about what he planned to do, should he? Then the old saying alls fair in love and war came to mind and he grinned evilly, just you wait park Jimin he thought eager for his plan to come into play.
Jimin had met the man again and happily took the larger bottle of liquid smiling as he got back in his car unaware that after he left Jungkook came out of the cafe and handed a new phone to him taking his and crushing it. The beta got the message and drive off quickly to gather up his packed belongings and leave town.
Jimin went and brewed a large batch up filling six bottles of spray, he used it immediately as he'd dropped the smaller bottle that morning and broken it so he was lucky to get a supply today.
He was visiting Jin later he wanted to ask if he still went to the childrens hime. He sprayed a pad putting it in and drove to the club as Jin lived above it with RM.
He'd been there talking to Jin fot twenty minutes when RM came in. He sniffed the air" Jimin? Your scent is strong today,"
"Is it? I'm sorry Rm,"
"It's fine I have Jin here to keep me calm but be careful."
"It's because my heat is due and no mama I don't need anything," he explained how his home worked and although surprised they both nodded
"Stay eat with Jin I'm meeting someone at the gym, see you later,"
They both nodded at him and he left.
"Hey Kook here already?
"Rm , yer trying to burn of some stress! Why can I smell Jimin on you?!?!"
"Calm down , he was with Jin when I popped in to get my stuff his heats due and his scent is strong, funny it didn't seem that strong last time we saw him."
Jungkook sniggered to himself, it was already working.
"Oh really? I was planning to have a word with him."
"Better do it before his house locks up."
RM explained what Jimin had told them.
"But what if it didn't open due to some malfunction?" He asked worriedly
"Mmmmm, he seems to think he's got it covered,"
Jungkook nodded, he'd need to make his move soon.

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