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Inside Jungkooks home he took the small boy up to his bedroom.
Locking the door and placing the key on the top shelf of a bookcase he turned to Jimin.
"So thought you were clever earlier?"
"Well it stopped you dumbass"
"So rude to your mate"
"Some mate you are"
"I don't like your attitude Jimin!"
"Ditto you spoilt brat!"
Jungkook stalked nearer to his mate wanting to throttle and fuck him at the same time.
"Me spoilt? What about you always wanting your own way,trying to put the world to rights trying to make drugs that defy the natural wolf way of life,why couldn't you make something worthwhile?"
Jimin stared at the other,did he really have such a low opinion of him
"I do.... Try and help others.....I'm working on a drug that helps those who miscarry their pups, if they take it while trying to get pregnant it will keep them and their pups safe, wolvine flu that appeared three years ago a drug had to be created for that, I'm not the useless omega you think I am," he said quietly.
Jungkook could feel his pain and hurt feelings.Jimin had sat on the bed and now just had his head down in despair.
Jungkook wasn't used to this, he didn't want to be the dick he had been in school and he didn't want his mate to hurt.
He knelt down before him," Jimin why do we always fight?"
"We are probably just used to it, you never liked me much before and I always felt the need to prove myself, I was never good enough for my parents, they tried to control my life and then you......., you didn't ask you took away the only control I had over my life, just because you could, then try to make it better by sending flowers and chocolates, there's only one thing I want from you but you don't seem to realise what it is."
Jungkook was confused he felt a deep sadness overtaking him and knew it came from Jimin.
"What is it Jimin tell me and I'll give it to you ?"
"I shouldn't need to tell you........., so what now you fuck me because you can?"
" I , I'll take you back to your car"
He unlocked the door and escorted Jimin out, driving back in the car he didn't like the quiet so he spoke, "so we're you part of Min industries? The ones who made the wolvine flu inhibitor?"
"Do you know anything about Min industries?"
"Er only that they are highly regarded by our community, you must be good if you work for them,"
Jimin actually chuckled only stopping as Jungkook pulled up next to Jimins car, the small boy got out only to lean back in to say something,
"I don't work for Min industries , I am Min industries"
He shut the door on Jungkooks gaping face got in his car and drove home.
Jungkook was astounded, his mate owned that prestigious company ! No wonder he had shutters on his house his work was highly confidential and some people would do anything to get drugs.
Jungkook decided to go into the club, he found Jin and Rm at their usual table laptops in front of them.
"Hey guys, how can you work with all the noise and music on?"
"Oh Kook, how are you,"
"What do you know about Min industries?"
"It's at the forefront of companies who help the wolf community, that wolvine flu drug oh and the one that helped wolves with bone disease, you know the one where after ten days the joints relaxed and could be splinted straight so they would then be able to heal and resume a normal way of life instead of having to do limited work because their bones couldn't mend, lots of other helpful drugs why?"
"Jimin is Min industries."
"Wow, must be great to have such an influential mate."
"I didn't know he was," jungkook sighed, he knew how hard it was for Omegas to be taken seriously, Jimin must have struggled to make his way.
"Didn't I read once that an Alpha tried kidnapping him to take control of his company?"
"That was Jimin? No wonder he has all that security!"
"There were no photos of who the owner was so he apparently fooled them they had the wrong guy, escaped but got his arm broken , he reported it to the police and they caught up with the Alpha, he's still locked up now."
Jungkook raged inside, how dare someone hurt his precious mate.
"Kook your eyes are glowing calm down,how are things between you two?"
Jungkook shamefacedly told them what had happened.
Jin stood up angrily," have you no respect for your mate? Jimin always told you how he felt but you steamrolled over his feelings and didn't care what he wanted?"
"I did, I do but he wasn't letting me near him........, now he says there's only one thing he wants from me but won't tell me what it is!" He whined.
"Well naturally you said sorry so I wonder what it is ?"RM said
Jungkook fidgeted," er no I didn't "
"Didn't what," they both asked.
"Say sorry......"
Jin and RM looked at each other then Jungkook.
"Well there's your answer!"
"But I ....., does it matter that much?..... I never say sorry."
"It matters a lot , you've told us you don't like how omegas have to prove themselves yet you've treated Jimin exactly the same, disregarded his wishes made him feel totally inferior when in fact intelligence wise he's far superior."
"Jimin just wants an apology try it."
Jungkook nodded then left his friends and went home, thinking over what they said and deciding he would do a hand written letter and put it in Jimins mailbox .
Dear Jimin
I have thought over what you said and realise I have been trampling over your life since you got here.
I sincerely want to apologise for treating you in a way I wouldn't accept.
I should not have interfered with your decision to take something to minimise the effects of Alpha pheromones , in my defence I can only say I have never known how strong the mating pull is and to see you unaffected played havoc with my ' dumbass' brain.
I can only say how much I respect you and your work and am proud to call you my mate.
Sorry is a word that doesn't even convey how annoyed I am with myself but please forgive me.
I hope we can find a way forward
Yours Jeon Jungkook
He drove to Jimins posting it in the letterbox, glancing at the house seeing Jimin looking out at him, he nearly waved but kept his head down and drove away.
He got himself something to eat cleaned up Showered and lay on top of his bed wondering what his mate was doing.
His phone rang and he saw an unknown number,
" I accept your apology,"
"Who else have you had to apologise to....., no sorry, yes it's Jimin."
"Oh Erm how did you get my number?"
"I asked Jin."
"Oh ok,"
"This is my number by the way,"
"Yes,right I'll save it."
"So........., what you doing right now?"
"Erm laying on my bed, you?"
"Same....., naked,"
"Erm me too,"
"Hmmm is your big cock hard for me Kookie?"
"It is now,"
"Are you touching yourself Kookie..., mmmm, I am,"
"Jimin...., let me hear you as you touch yourself,"
"Mmm Kookie, I'm so wet from imaging your cock in me, aaah,"
"My dick would wreck you right now Jimin it's so hard I can imagine pushing into your tight hole,  can you feel it Jimin,"
"Mmmm yes aah fuck I'm so turned on,"
"I'd pump your dick like I am mine, umph..., aah Jimin, I'd lick those sweet nipples then turn you ass up fuck you with my tongue aaah, then my dick,"
" mmm so close more....,"
"I'd make you cum hard  and keep ramming my hard dick in before cumming inside you,"
"Aaaaaghgnffff! Fuck Kookie"
"Mmmmmmnghfffff! Ahhhh shit!!!!"
The pairs laboured breathing was all that could be heard after each released.
Suddenly there was a giggle,
"I can't believe I just had phone sex!" Jimin giggled.
"It's a first for me too," jungkook chuckled.
"Eleven am," Jimin said.
"Meet me tomorrow at eleven at the coffee pot,"
"Yes really, let's see if we can get on without wanting to kill each other."
"I want to fuck you I know that much!"
"Mmm, a hand job isn't as good as the real thing, so who knows,"
"Ok eleven tomorrow , goodnight Jimin,"
"Goodnight....., my alpha,"
Jungkooks heart beat faster at the words and he clicked his phone off smiling, life was looking better.

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