Damn that boy

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Jimin wasn't stupid he knew RM was Jungkooks friend and would tell him about their meeting , probably already knew from Jungkook that he was his mate. He smiled evilly well Jeon Jungkook if your planning to meet up with me tonight as I think you will I better give you something to look at.
He showered then got a new patch out liberally spraying it with the chemicals that once placed on his skin gave him a semi immune reaction to Alphas.
He knew Jungkooks smell of sandlewood smelt nice to him but he knew it would smell ten times stronger without the patch, just as when an Alpha let out their Alpha hormones to control lower ranks this patch quelled the authority, Jimin still felt a pressure to obey but not to the point where normally it would be instinctive, it was more like an itch needing to be scratched but also could be ignored.
He placed the patch on the base of his spine finding it absorbed better there.
The affects lasted for ten hours tops but Jimin frequently changed them sooner not wanting any surprises during the day, so here he was patch in place and a pale silky pink shirt on and ripped black jeans. His eyes were lightly made up giving him a very sexy seductive look.
Checking the time he made his way out getting in his car and driving to the club. Giving his name to the bouncers he was immediately let in. He looked around it was fairly packed he saw Jin standing up waving to him . He made his way to the alcove table.
"Hey guys!"
"Cupcake, when did you grow up to be so sexy?"
"Aw stop it mama, I'm still your baby!"
Some other males passed by, they checked Jimin out loitering near,but the small male spoke out," move along nothing for you here."
Jin laughed," please tell me how you do it,
"Ah, I can't tell you,"
"But I'm your mama!"
"Still can't , hey listen to that tune, coming?"
RM "I'll order drinks have fun!"
He raised his hand and a waiter appeared the other two were on the dance floor .
Not long after and their other friends arrive.
"Where is he?"
RM pointed at the dance floor, Jungkook turned, his tongue nearly hanging out at the sight that met his eyes, his nerdy Jimin was no more, in his place was a seductive little omega dancing in a way that made him hard just looking . He gulped as he watched Jimin dancing dirty laughing as Jin copied him., he also saw the thirsty looking males and females ogling him.
"Omg how cute is he!"Suga said making Jungkook glare at him.
The music changed and Jin and Jimin came back to the table, giggling together.
"Oh......er high guys" Jin said.
"Jimin these are my friends,Tae ,Suga,Hobi and Jungkook"
Jimin nodded then picked his drink up gulping the cool liquid down.
"Your a great dancer," Tae said smiling at him.
"I enjoy it, it's kinda freeing."
"So , I understand your Jungkooks mate?" Hobi said getting straight to the point.
"I'm not Jungkooks anything ," Jimin said smiling sweetly.
"Cupcake, it's a serious thing?"
"Mama I make my own choices I'm a big boy,"
"Right shortie!" Jungkook mumbled under his breath.
"Cupcake? Mama?" Hobi asked.
Jin again told their story, " he loved cupcakes so much and now look at him good enough to eat."
Jimin laughed with Jin and Jungkook felt himself get jealous at their closeness.
"So, your not keen on the mate idea," Suga said
"With him definitely not, maybe someone who knows,"
Jungkook stepped forward pulling Jimin to him by the waist," your mine and mine only, you will not go with anyone else you hear!" Jungkooks dominant alpha waves made the other Omegas cower, Jimin just sneered," you wish, anyone up for a dance?" He walked back to the dance floor .
"Jungkook ease off your hurting Jin and Tae!" RM ordered.
Jungkooks wild eyes simmered down as he turned to his two friends who were hiding by their mates,
"fuck I'm sorry guys he's just......infuriating!"
He watched as Jimin got on the dance floor, the song was a great beat that allowed Jimin to showcase his moves, his body swayed in perfect time to the music, an over enthusiastic beta wolf grabbed his arm pulling Jimin to him,Jungkook stood up about to make his way over when Jimin executed a perfect judo throw sending the poor beta flying off the dance floor.
He angrily made his way back to have a go at Jimin but stopped when he saw a very angry Alpha glaring at him," you wanna live then stay away from him!"
The beta disappeared into the crowd, Jungkook turned,"you want to dance then dance with me." He  gave the other a no nonsense stare.
Jimin huffed then grinned to himself, ok he wanted to play it like that did he?
The next song was slow and sexy, Jimin closed his eyes moving dreamily to the rythm.
Jungkook came up behind him holding his hips and swaying along in time.
Jimin would be lying if he said it didn't feel nice.
Jungkook got in closer inhaling the boys scent all the while the wolf in his head screaming ,'mine mark him'.
Jimin turned looping his arms around the others neck so close he could feel the effect he had on the other.
"So what's it like for the great Jungkook to find the nerd he despised is his mate?"
"Fucking annoying!"
"Don't you think it's fate playing funny tricks, as if I would be with someone like you."
"What's wrong with me?"
"Your bossy egotistic pick on nerds need I say more?"
"You like me really don't you, "he leaned in nibbling Jimins ear, Jimin was shocked and enjoying it a bit but," No, I just don't want you,"
"Oh yer that's not what your body is saying"
He ground against Jimins crotch, moaning himself at how good it felt.
"I can't help bodily functions, doesn't mean I have to act on it!"
"God your so clinical, bodily functions, that's why I used to pick on you, you were so god damned set on destroying the natural flow between Alphas  and omegas, it made me mad!"
Jimin looked down biting his lip," I may have been a little er forceful with my views, but for me I don't want to be some object for fucking."
"Don't you like sex is that it?"
"I don't know I've never...." He shut up quickly but Jungkook heard, "you've never fucked?! What about your heat?"
"Shut up, "
"No seriously Jimin I've heard it's painful to go through without someone."
"I-I cope"
"Oh fuck, I'm going to feel it arent I ?" He groaned
"RM told me I'll only be able to fuck my mate from now on, now that I've recognised you,"
"What! Oh no fucking chance!"
The pair stopped swaying and glared at each other,
"Park Jimin you are my mate and I demand you stop taking whatever it is and accept me!"
"Go to hell you pompous prick!"
Jimin stomped off leaving the other on the dance floor , he spent the rest of the night laughing and joking with the others totally ignoring the glowering male sitting opposite.
A girl suddenly came up putting her arm around Jungkooks neck.
"Come dance with me Kook,"
"Lisa for gods sake leave me alone,"
"Why ?" She whined.
"Because I've found my mate!"
"What! Who !"
He pointed to Jimin.
"Is it true ?"she growled glaring at the boy.
"His deluded mind thinks so but be my guest he's all yours!"
Lisa smiled again, "come on Kook"
Damn the boy!!
"Yer go on Kookie, the ladies waiting," Jimin smirked as he watched Jungkook fending off her advances, boy this night was fun he thought, suddenly laughing as Jungkook stood up storming off, Jimin 1, Jungkook 0.

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