Down side of family

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Seven weeks later and Jimins drug was released, it gained a lot of publicity and media asked for an interview, after discussing with Jungkook Jimin agreed.
The interviewer was setting up in the garden with the cameramen. Jimin was upstairs getting stressed with Jungkook trying to calm him down .
"Nothing fits I'm too fat what should I wear!" Jimin fretted.
"Your not fat, you have a beautiful baby bump and you look adorable."
"I want to look intelligent !"
"You do, here put one of my shirts on just roll back the sleeves,"
Jimin did so the black jeans he left unbuttoned as the shirt covered it, glancing in the mirror he nodded , " ok that will do but I seriously need to get stuff that fits!"
"We can shop after if you want?"
"What about your work?"
"I'm staying with you today, do you not think I can sense how nervous you are?"
Jungkook came up behind his husband hugging his expanding waist, gently rubbing the bump,
"Be good for mama today, he's nervous ok?"
A little kick was the answer and they both laughed.
Going down to the garden they discussed with Jimin what they would ask.
"Can you try not to show my pregnancy? It's just a personal thing."
"Of course and your husband?"
"No, this is about Jimin and his achievements not me or us,"
Jimin smiled at his husband who stepped back behind the camera but near enough to keep Jimin calm.
The interview went perfectly , Jimin explained about the drug how necessary he felt it was and how it changed a gene in the body of those prone to miscarriage after a month  of taking twice a day then once a week after that.
The interviewer then asked why Jimin was usually behind the scenes and not much known about the owner of Min industries.
Jimin laughed embarrassed, " er, because I'm not that interesting, this drug though is and I want to make everyone aware of it so they can come forward instead of accepting that fate."
"So can I ask why move from a big town to here?"
"I was born here,"
"Well thank you Jimin for your time and thank you for all your hard work"
"My pleasure,"
The interview ended and Jimin suddenly ran," sorry gotta pee!"
The media team laughed along with Jungkook as the small male waddle ran inside.
Jungkook gave them all refreshments and Jimin came back down dressed in Jungkooks sweatpants and a t shirt of his.
"Phew ! That feels better."
After chatting a while the media left then Jimin turned to his husband.
"Yes babe?"
"Can we go out for lunch then shop,"
"Of course, which restaurant ?"
"The donut palace,"
"You want donuts for lunch?"
"Your children do,"
"So what will I eat?let's go to a cafe instead?"
"But I want donuts!"
"It's not healthy for you or the babies,"
Jimin got right in his face frowning fiercely ," I want donuts, the babies want donuts and if you want your candy at bedtime you better take me to the donut place!"
Jungkook gulped knowing Jimin would keep his word maybe even not let him in their bed.
"Sure babe, donuts right let's go!"
Jimin smiled sweetly at his husbands words and got ready to leave.
Once at the donut shop Jimins eyes sparkled he ordered a variety and Jungkook just had a coffee smiling until Jimin started moaning in pleasure at the taste, his moans made Jungkook hard.
"Babe, I know your enjoying them but please quiet down with the moans,"
Jungkook grabbed Jimins spare hand and put it on his crotch ," oh!" Jimin said, "sorry!"
Jungkook survived the next half hour as Jimin eventually gave up on the donuts.
They both left going to the shopping mall, Jimin went and bought his own sweatpants but in a bigger size then he got some plain T shirts in a bigger size.
Jungkook carried the bags easily.
Jimin came out of the shop then looked around,
"Need the loo,"
He waddled off, Jungkook sat down waiting, after ten minutes he got ansty he stood up to follow his mate, but stopped when he saw him walking out a bit pasty looking.
"You ok babe,"
"I'm hungry,"
"You ate all those donuts!"
"I just threw them up, too sweet,"
Jungkook refrained from saying I told you so.
"What would you like?"
Jimin looked around," that...."
Jungkook turned seeing a sign for all you can eat ribs, he sent a silent prayer of thanks, rushing Jimin over before he changed his mind.
After eating Jimin felt a bit tired but he said nothing as he wanted to shop.
He got himself looser boxers  as he hated feeling constricted. He got some more loose loungewear and was about to say he'd had enough when they saw a baby store.
"Shall we?"
"We should  we haven't got anything yet."
The pair were soon oohing and aaahing at tiny outfits and cribs , before long there were a pile of baby clothes in unisex colours and teddies and Jungkook ordered two cribs and bedding.
Coming out of the shop Jungkook noticed how tired Jimin looked.
"Had enough babe?"
"Mmmm let's go home ,"
Jimin fell asleep in the car so when they arrived at the house Jungkook carried all the parcels in before lifting his mate from the car and carrying him to the sofa covering him with a blanket.
As he was asleep Jungkook decided to arrange the teddies in the room they had chosen as a nursery, pastel colours on the wall with animal motifs at various points.
The room held a tall white cupboard with shelves and drawers so he put the Teddies in the shelves smiling as he looked around planning on where the cribs would go and what other stuff needed to be bought for the room. Checking on Jimin he decided that as he was still asleep he had time to take a shower and dress more comfortably.
Jungkook loved long showers so he thought he'd make the most of it, turning some music on low and standing under the thundering water easing off his tense muscles.
Jimin fidgeted, then he heard it again the buzz from the front gate. He got up slowly pressing the intercom," delivery," a voice said.
Jimin buzzed them in shivering slightly, he grabbed one of Jungkooks loose sweatshirts from nearby, it hid his bump totally but it was warm.
A knock on the door came and Jimin opened it his mouth gaping in shock as he saw who stood there, he went to shut the door but the two people barged in.
"Hello son,"
"What are you doing here?"
"Is that any way to greet your parents?" His mother asked stepping forward and looking around.
"Your not supposed to be in town,"
"But your going to see that we are welcomed back aren't you son?"
"No I want nothing to do with you."
His mother slapped his face, " you little brat still as defiant as ever, you owe us, you got us cast out, we haven't had a proper home anywhere, imagine our surprise this morning when they aired your interview, our son head of Min industries, time to pay us back for all the years we took care of you."
"Took care of me! You don't know the meaning of the word you hit me starved me treated me worse than a dog"
"You always were a defiant little bugger, so, you either get us back in the towns good books, then buy us a place and of course financially support us or..."
"Or what?"
"Or we just kill you and as your only living relatives we inherit your money and business, works both ways for us."
"You two are psychotic," SLAP
"You dare to call us that you little..."
"Who are you his friend this is none of your business boy keep out of it."
"I'm his husband and son of the alpha who ostracised you two worthless beings."
Jungkooks wolf was coming to the forefront the pairs eyes widened as they realised they were facing one very angry alpha.
"We didn't, er c-calm down its all a misunderstanding, just dropping in to see our son."
A buzz sounded and Jungkook pressed the button then turned to enfold his mate in his arms feeling the shaking he was trying to hide.
"Son tell him..., we are your parents."
"You two are nothing to me, you were the worst people I've ever had contact with and I'll make damn sure our babies are never treated like you treated me!"
"Your making a mistake Jimin, you better always watch your back he won't be there all the time," his father snarled.
"Oh you didn't just threaten my mate did you?"
Jungkook was so angry that he started walking purposefully towards them, they turned running to the door and swinging it open only to be met by a group of men, Jungkook and RM's father being two of them.
"I told you what would happen if you ever came back here,"Jungkooks father said his deep Alpha growl freezing the pair on the spot.
"No we, you can't , Jimin tell them"
Jungkooks father turned to Jimin," they were threatened with death if they ever came back or bothered you again as is the wolf law, I understand they are your parents so I will abide by your wishes."
Jimins parents suddenly stood up straighter smirking at everyone sure Jimin would help them.
"You are the town Alpha and I abide by your laws, they have never meant anything to me and I will not live in fear of what they may do to me or my family, carry out the law." Jimin said, Jungkooks father nodded and the two were dragged out kicking and screaming. Jungkook held his mate close knowing it must have been a hard decision.
"I'm sorry babe,"
"Don't be Kookie, you and the babies are my priority and they are two toxic people who don't care who they hurt, they won't be missed , can we just sit and cuddle?"
"Sure babe, how about a drink and some food"
"Mmm ok shall I cook?"
"No let me take care off you, go sit down,"
"Can I sit in the kitchen with you, I don't want to be on my own,"
Jungkook heard his voice waiver from the stress so he swung him up in his arms joking with him," you can watch but please no weird requests, I don't think my stomach could take it after what you cooked the other day!"
"What's wrong with pork and chocolate sauce it was yummy!?"
"Er No love it wasn't ,"
The pair lightly argued back and forth, Jungkook glad that Jimin seemed less stressed, They had their meal cleaned up then watched a film until Jumin yawned, they went upstairs, Jimin showered then got into bed naked, Jungkook cleaned his teeth then climbed in next to his mate, putting his head on Jimins baby bump,"let mama and daddy sleep tonight ok we are tired after all that shopping we got you both some bits so be nice ok?" A kick came jolting his head.
"I swear they know your voice they always react when you talk to them!"
"You think so? Great!"
He spooned behind Jimin his hands protectively on his bump as they both drifted to sleep.

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