Karma can be a bitch

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To say the rest of the visit was strange was putting it mildly.
Jungkooks father had looked surprised then pleased at Jungkooks announcement.
"Your mate? He's your true mate?"
Jungkook nodded trying to get nearer but Jimin stepped back.
"Mr Park....Jimin? Do you not feel it too?"
"Oh yes I know he's my mate, but I don't want one," he replied kindly.
The two Jeons gaped in surprise, an Omega couldn't resist their Alpha.
Mr Jeon senior chuckled," I know you were young when you left your parents but you must know once an Omega meets its mate they will do anything to be with them?"
"Oh I know that's how it's supposed to be but not for me,"
Jungkooks father patted the small boy, Jungkook growled at the touch," it's ok son, see Jimin he's already protective of you, you must be feeling the same no one can resist that pull."
"Unless your a pharmacist," he smirked at Jungkook.
"You did it? You made something for Onegas?" Jungkook said sharply.
"No just for me, I know I shouldn't mess with the natural order of things so I've never marketed it, I make it purely for myself," he said glaring at Jungkook.
Poor Mr Jeon looked at the pair of them knowing there was something underlying going on.
"Er in second thoughts Mr Park I think we should go er welcome back, come on jungkook,"
"Goodbye sir and please call me Jimin,"
The older man walked out, jungkook turned to follow then turned back.
He grabbed Jimin and pulled him close sniffing him,
"I don't know what you did but this isn't over ,"
Jimin pushed him away," karmas a bitch isn't it?" Jimin said laughing before shutting the door in his face.
Driving back Jungkook clenched his fists that little ........, he'd enjoyed saying that, he couldn't have though could he? Jungkooks wolf howled inside him the further they drove away .
"So son er, what's going on ?"
"Nothing to worry about dad he's just playing hard to get."
Jungkook didn't want to tell his father what a dick he'd been in school.
His confused father looked at him," I hope that's true son your mother will be over the moon at the news."
"Yer great," Jungkook said , shit this was going to get bad he just knew it.
His father dropped him off and Jungkook went inside immediately phoning his friends for an emergency get together.
They all arrived at Jungkooks within minutes of each other.
"What's up? We only saw you a few hours ago?" Suga asked yawning.
"My mates here."
"What wow who is she or he ?" Tae asked excitedly .
"Fucking Park Jimin,"
"Yer right, come on who is it really?"
"Jimin is back in town, he owns the new building,"
"Haha! Bet that meeting went well,so did he swoon in your prescence?"
"He fucking ignored me, said he knew I was his mate but didn't care for it, all in front of my dad!"
"But he can't ignore you?"
"The little fucker succeeded in making something to minimise my effect on him."
"You shouldn't call your mate that!!" Jin admonished .
Jungkook sighed," I know......, he smells delicious I just wanted to jump his bones right there and god he looks amazing........, but he just smirked and shut the door in my face."
There was a snort then a burst of laughter which came from Suga," I'm sorry pal but it's fucking hilarious, Jeon Jungkook gets turned down for the first time in history!!"
The others joined in seeing the funny side of it, Jungkook growled a warning, they stopped.
"He made me so horny I can't fucking believe it, I'm gonna have to get me some willing omega to help me out."
RM and Hobi stared at each other ," er Kook slight problem there......" RM started.
"Once you meet your mate you won't be able to, you know er fuck anyone else, you may want to but,apparently it's a no go, the only way you can is if you each agree to denounce your mating."
"What the hell!!!!"
Jungkook felt frustrated , he had never realised how strong the pull of a mate would be, he wondered why fate had decreed Jimin was his.
"So your gonna have to play nice with Jimin aren't you?"
"How am I gonna do that he won't see me?!!"
"What if I invite him to the club tonight as an old friend and to meet my mate?" RM said.
Jungkook brightened," that could work, but I don't have his phone number for you!"
"That's ok Jin and I will swing by his home before we open up tonight"
"And what I just happen to wander in?"
"And us !!" Tae,Hobi and Suga said.
"We will ask Jimin to come at eight you lot arrive half an hour later so it doesn't look like a set up!"
The plan was agreed and everyone left , Jungkook thinking what could go wrong , club , music ,alcohol he grinned, Park Jimin you are mine!
RM and Jin were discussing plans on decorating the club to keep it the number one place in town,as they drove along they saw a small figure trying to change a tyre on his car but failing miserably kicking the offending wheel.
RM pulled up, " need any.....Jimin?"
The figure turned around red from the effort of trying to undo the wheel nuts, the scowl on his face was replaced by a dazzling smile.
"RM!!" He jumped up to hug him but heard a low growl. He peeked around RM to see a very handsome man but he couldn't remember his name then the pair shrieked"cupcake!" "Mama!"
Rm looked confused, the two hugged dancing around in a circle.
"Cupcake?mama?" RM said in confusion.
"Is mama your mate, how lovely,"
"You never told me the Jimin you helped was cupcake!!"
They realised RM had no idea what they were on about.
"Cupcake or Jimin used to help me when I did voluntary work in the childrens home, I always called him cupcake because he loved the ones I baked to take there."
"And mama Erm Jin, always looked after me there as some kids could be little devils and would gang up on me because I wasn't as tall as Jin."
"Oh cupcake it's so nice to see you again, we didn't see much of each other in school as I was older then had college, but Jimin always wanted to help with the kids and I loved seeing him there."
"Well what a small world, so Jimin are you back?" RM asked as if he didn't know.
"Yes I have a new home here just down the road."
"So your the owner, wow! Jin and I own the best nightclub in town, come join us tonight if your not busy, it's called serendipity."
"Oh please Jimin, you can dance with me RM has two left feet."
Jimin giggled and nodded," what time?"
"Great see you then!"
"Oh let me change this wheel first," Rm said getting it done in minutes , Jimin giving an embarrassed smile.
They waved each other off.
"Forgive us Jimin," Jin said wondering what the night would hold.

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